Invasion (pt.1)

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3rd Person POV

"Avengers, assemble!" The voice of Captain America rang through the whole building of Stark Towers.

Every hero available scrambled to the meeting room where the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury was waiting for them with Steve Roger's.

Once every hero who were available, which includes Captain America, Ironman, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Professor Hulk, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Falcon, War Machine and Thor, they got started.

"Alright, Avengers. We have a world threatening proble-" Fury was cut off by non-other than Tony Stark.

"When is it not." He said, scoffing and rolled his eyes.

"As I was saying," Fury said through gritted teeth while glaring at Tony while Steve gave him the disappointed mom look. "There is an invasion by the aliens. They look like androids but we can never be too sure. They have entered the Earth's atmosphere around 10 minutes ago and is destroying the few major cities of the world. Their mothership is here, in New York. The list of cities under attack are New York, London, Cairo, Budapest and Moscow. So, we must disperse." Fury pauses for a minute to let everything set in. "You are going in pairs. Rogers and Stark are staying here, Romanoff and Barton are going to Budapest, Thor and Banner in London, Wilson and Rhodes in Moscow, and Maximoff and Vision in Cairo. Is everything clear?" Fury finishes and everyone nods.

Each pair got on their own jet and flew to their destinated cities.

Budapest pair

"I can't believe we're going to Budapest again!" Clint said, jumping around like an excited kid.

"It's going to be so much fun! Once we finish, maybe we can go visit the Citadel again. What do you think, Bird brain?" Nat said, clearly excited too.

"That, would be awesomeee!" Clint fist pumped the air and was going to go hug Nat but a glare from the latter stopped him.

London pair

"Bruce! How is this, London, you Midgardians call, is it? Does it have raging battles like in Asgard?" Thor asked, looking like a lost puppy.

"Well, London is a nice city. It does not have wars there. People live in peace." Bruce said and heaved a sigh.

Cairo pair

"Vis, are you excited to see Cairo? I know I am." Wanda asked her boyfriend who was sitting beside her. Before giving a peck on the cheek.

"Well, Wanda, I am excited. But I'm afraid not as much as you, hon." Vision replied, smiling at his beautiful girlfriend.

"Stop staring, Vis. You're making blush!" Wanda said, her accent showing as she shoves Vis gently, a red tint covering her cheeks.

Moscow pair

"You ready for this?" Rhodey asks.

"Yeah." Sam replied.

An awkward silence fell upon the two.

New York pair

"God, why?! Why am I stuck with Captain fucking America?!" Tony whined, pretending to be annoyed.

"Language!" Steve said quickly. "And besides, you love me too much to be annoyed with me." Steve gave Tony a smile.

"You're right, babe." And they had a hot make out session before gearing up.

While the Avengers were fighting the aliens, a certain Peter Parker was enjoying his science class. Well, not really enjoying it since earlier when Cap called a meeting but he couldn't just ditch school. And to make matters worse, his dialed-up sense was close to a sensory overload.

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