At home

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3rd POV

"Class! We've gotten ourselves a surprise fieldtrip to a top science facility. The fieldtrip is on Saturday so please return the slip tomorrow so we can all go on the next day. Most importantly, don't forget to get the slip from the front desk before you go out too. Class, dismissed." After Mr. Billy Batson finished, the class erupted into cheers.

"Too bad MJ and I have to work at SI. It would've been awesome to see a top science facility!" Peter whispered to his friend, Ned.

"Dude. You serious? You already work at SI. That's already a top science facility. Brighten up! I'll take pictures for you." Ned replied back which Peter only nodded back.

~Saturday morning~

"Hey, Fatso! Where's your boyfriend, Penis Parker?! Too much of a coward to show up incase his lies get exposed?! And where's that Michelle girl. No one can talk back to me today." The one and only Flash Thompson started off in the morning.

"No, Flash. Peter isn't my boyfriend. We're not gay! Heck, he's even got a girlfriend! And what do you mean by 'his lies getting exposed'? We're going to SI?!"

"Obviously. You're supposed to be smart, Leeds. How come you couldn't get that." Flash scoffed and walk away.

"Okay, class. Please face forward. Roll call! Betty Brant!"


"Cindy Moons"

"Here sir!"

Ned Leeds"


"Flash Thompson"


"Michelle Jones."


"Not here... Peter Parker?"

"Not here either, sir!" Ned answered helpfully.

"Alright. Abe..."

The roll call continued till he checked everyone in except Peter and MJ.

"The surprise fieldtrip is to Stark Industries! I hope you learn a lot from this trip and maybe in the future, you might be able to apply for a job here. Alright class, let's get this show on the road!" And with that, the class took off.

/Stark Tower/

"Hello Midtown High. My name is Amy Winston, I am your tour guide today. Please follow me and get your badges which will grant you permission to certain level, accordingly. Now to begin our tour..." Amy trailed off. Or is it us, moving on? I don't know. Up to you!

Peter's POV

"But Dad! I don't want my hair to be slick all the time like yours!" I'm arguing with my dad about how my hair should look for the upcoming meeting.

"Fine! But you have to dress as I say. Understood, Bambi?"

"Understood, Dad" I smiled happily and hugged him tight. Then I did my tie and walked over to MJ.

 Then I did my tie and walked over to MJ

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