Marksman (pt.1)

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3rd Person POV

"Avengers! Have you heard of this marksman, Red Hood? (A/N: Sorry not sorry. I love that name and it has nothing to do with Jason Todd from DC Comics 😜) He was last spotted near the Midtown High. We need to bring him in!" Nick Fury shouted at the grownups around the A-shaped table.

"Calm your horses, Eye-patch. We'll get the dude. Just relax. We've got this. It's 1 against the 13, err, I mean 12 of us. Tony 'I am Iron man' Stark said, raising his foot so that it was on the table.

"You better get him. He is dangerous and is unaccounted for. We don't even know his identity! We must bring him in!" Fury said and left the room.

On the other side of town, Peter Parker, former Spiderman, current Red Hood, predecessor of Miles Morales, mentee or Tony Stark and formerly dead (the list could go on and on and on but let's stop at this), slipped into the abandoned warehouse that he calls home.

He died on the mission of Sokovia, when the whole country fell on him. It was one thing to have a building fall on him, but a totally different story when a country fell on him. Red Skull was there at his funeral, hidden of course, after the Avengers dug his body out and put him six feet under. That dude also injected him with some sort of serum, and made him come back from the dead. But that serum messed with his brain and he was on a killing spree. Nobody could stop him. Not even the entire army of HYDRA agents could.

Everybody knew that Spiderman died, and everybody knew that Peter was Spiderman. So, going to school was no longer an option. So, he became a full-time marksman. One of the best, too. He modified his helmet from his old Spider-suit with some Vibranium he found in the black market. Got his weapons from an illegal auction too.

Nobody knew who Red Hood was and they certainly do not know that Peter Parker was alive. They all thought he was in his casket under the ground.

Back to the story. Peter swung into his 'house' via the grappling hook he made out of his left-over webs and crashed onto the pile of cardboard boxes he calls his 'bed'. He tended to his wounds from the fight earlier. He had encountered some gang who thought they were good enough to take down the best assassin, and called it a night.

The next day, Peter donned his red hood and heads to another illegal warehouse, where he conducted a meeting for the top drug dealers of New York City. He hid in the shadows until everything was set.

"Who set this meeting up? Was it you, Amazo?" One of them said.

"No! I thought it was Manta!" Amazo responded.

"You know what, this is silly. I'm going." The third one said.

"Sit down." Peter said in a menacing voice.

"Look, son. You wanna die? There are better ways to die. Now scram!" Manta shouted to the silhouette on the roof.

"Sit down. I am the best assassin here and you're not the one with an AK-47 and yelling at him isn't gonna be good for you." Peter demanded. "You can deal drugs all you want. Give me 40% of the money and I'll protect you from the Avengers or anyone like Spiderman," Peter internally cringed at that. "or anyone who looks out for the 'little guys'. Is that a deal?"

The fourth man looked at Peter with disgust. "And why should we give you the money?" He snarled.

Peter threw a bag onto the table where the drug dealers were sitting. "These are the heads of your goons. I took 2 hours collecting them." He fired at the heads with his guns. "I wonder what I can do during a whole evening." He said and threw a smoke bomb and disappeared into the shadows.

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