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Peter's POV

Web-swinging around New York City, chilling on roof tops and stopping muggers are a part of my job. Now that I've accepted Mr. Stark's invitation to join the avengers, I now have a room in the Avengers compound and at Stark Industries. I go to help Mr. Stark with his Iron Man suit and also the Iron Spider suit, help the interns with their science-y stuff and all that jazz. The Avengers became my second family and helped me with problems that I couldn't ask Aunt May like stuff related to hero-ing and stuff.

~2 days earlier~

Mr. Kent was telling the class to quiet down but that wasn't helping much. After telling them that they had a surprise fieldtrip, that usually never happens. Maybe if the world was about to explode or if the sky was going to fall on top of you but maybe they wouldn't quiet down because of that either. Lucky for him, he managed to collect the class' attention and told them to receive the permission slip and told them it was to be returned on the next day. Ned, my best bud was practically vibrating like the Flash on his seat while rapping like Lisa of Blackpink about how cool the next fieldtrip would be. MJ was reading her usual thick book about how the world will be ruled by women one day. Flash was still tormenting me every chance he got like right now for example.

"Hey Penis. I wonder where we are going on Friday. But I guess you can't come because of all the absents you had. I told my mom that the attendance record should be included in the requirement and boy, was it worth it. Now I won't have your annoying ass bothering me when I enjoy the fieldtrip with the rest of the smart people, unlike you." He slurred din my ears and chills ran down my spine because of how creepy it was.

"Hey Flash, I think you forgot something." MJ piped up.

"Shut it weirdo. I wasn't talking to you." Flash snapped at her.

MJ seemed unbothered and continued on "I think you forgot that you're just an alternative of the decathlon team while peter is the smartest person in class and maybe in the school even. Not to mention he has a Stark internship where Tony came to ask for him personally while you got rejected each and every six times you applied for it."

That seemed to shut Flash right up as he turns to his 'friends' behind us.

I mumbled a quiet thanks to her and she just nod with the famous "no problem, loser".

Kriiiiiiinnnnngggggg 🔔

Everyone was making their way out when Mr. Kent called for me to stay behind. So, I did.

"I'm sure you heard that the attendance record is now part of the requirement for the fieldtrip, right Pete?"

I could only nod.

So, he continued "I'm sorry to say but you won't be able to join us and it's a shame cause it's a place you probably won't be able to see the inside ever again. You're a good kid, Pete, have a day off. The trip is a full day trip anyway. So instead of sitting in the Head's office, why don't you stay home and relax? The principal won't be there anyway since he is going to the fieldtrip with us."

"Umm... sure, Mr. Kent. And thank you for telling me this. See you tomorrow, sir!" And with a wave, I waltzed out of the door.

I walked out of school and into a dark alley to where Happy was parking the car in order to not bring any attention to us.

I climbed in, muttered a quick hello and slumped in my seat, too pooped about the fieldtrip to talk to Happy like I usually do. He took a glance at me, shook his head and drove to the Avenger Compound where I stay every day since May went to travel around the world after winning the lottery although she could've just asked Mr. Stark for it.

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