Parent's day

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3rd Person POV

"Behave, Kid. Don't get in trouble, and most importantly, stay out of trouble." Tony sent him a warning look.

"Isn't "dOn'T gEt In TrOuBlE" and "sTaY oUt Of TrOuBlE" practically the same thing?" Peter asked with a confused yet mischevious look. The one he learnt from his uncle.

"Yes, so I better not get a call from the principle, alright?"

"Yes dad." Peter chuckled and kissed his dad's cheeks. "And when is Papa coming back?"

"I'm not sure, Bambi. But I'm sure he'll come back soon. He misses you." Tony smiled warmly, not the smile he used in front of the media, but a genuine one.

"Alright dad. I'll swing to school now." Peter bid his goodbye and jumped out of the window.

This happens everyday so really, nobody expected much to change.

Well, maybe except that one day, the teacher announced to their class that they were having Parent's Day, anyone who does not being a parent or guardian to school will get a F on their report for participation.

To say Peter was left flabbergasted is an understatement.

I mean, how was he going to being the Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man and Thor, the goddamn (puntended) Avengers, to school without risking his identity as Peter Thorson?

There really was no way around it.

So Peter and his dads will just have to settle with stupid disguises that will probably not work anyways.

The moment Peter bought this up to Tony, he let out a hearty laugh and nearly choked on his shawarma, but then seeing the look of uneasiness on his son's face stopped him instantly.

"Don't worry, Bambi. I'm sure your Pops wouldn't miss it. Even if he is in Asgard, I will find a way to tell him and we'll be there. I got this." Tony smiled and kissed the top of Peter's head. "Now go to sleep. You don't want to go to school looking like a panda."

Peter giggled happily, punch Tony on the shoulders (lightly of course) and ran to his room nonetheless.

Now that he was left standing alone in the kitchen (The rogues were still rogues, Vision was with Bruce in the labs, Rhodey was working with someone named Carol Dancers at the airforce, T'Challa was in Wakanda shouting at Shuri for making his panther suit pink).

He looked around the room, looking for things to call his husband, and ended up getting a fake plastic knife and 'stabbing' himself near the stomach.

Not even a minute later, the bifrost was imprinted on the Avengers Tower landing pad, and a God of Thunder was rushing over to the billionaire.

"Oh God, Tony my love. What have you done?" Thor started to fuss all over Tony, who was definitely not stabbed whatsoever.

"Hey babe." Tony smirked and Thot looked up from the 'wound'.

"You are okay?" Thor asked like a sad puppy.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I just needed you here cause your son has parent's day and he needs us there." Tony gave Thor a peck and hugged the God tight.

The next day

"Good morning son." Thor boomed, already with his disguise on.

" Thor boomed, already with his disguise on

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