Replaced (pt. 1)

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3rd Person POV

Your average teenage boy with spider powers was making his way to his mentor's building, Stark Tower. It was an average day with average activities, for an average person. That is, if you were the friendly neighborhood Spiderman. His average day includes the following:

- Swinging through the neighborhood

- Stopping a mugger/robbery

- Helping an old lady cross the road

- Giving directions

- Etc.

But what your average boy wasnt expecting was to be replaced...

He had just gotten into his shared lab with Tony when said guy spoke up.

"Hey, Peter. What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Mr. Stark! I came for our usual evening! You know, fixing mechanics, upgrading suits and going on patrol later! Wait, is now not a good time, I can come again later if you want?" The boy said with a hint of sadness which Tony totally did not see.

"Yeah, Peter. It would be wise if you came back a different time." Then he added in a whisper "or never" but with Super Spider hearing, Peter caught it anyway.

"Well, uhm...I guess I'll get going then...Bye Mr. Stark..." Peter walked away, tears brimming in, but before he even got to the exit, Tony broke his heart even more.

"Hey, Ben. Come on out. Parker's gone. Although I'm still wondering why you have the same surname..."

Peter's POV



Like Uncle Ben?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I feel nausea. My life sucks.

Uncle Ben's death still haunts me till now. The fact that I couldn't save him in time, even though I have the power to, that sucks and that left a huge scar.

But now, that I know a different Ben, who took my place with my Father Figure, that sucks even more.

Just, why?! I was a good intern! I was cheerful and Mr. Stark doesn't seem too disturbed by it.

I decided that the best way to get rid of stress is the Spider way.

I donned my red and blue spandex and swung around New York.

What I didn't except was to find Iron Man flying with a new guy, the Scarlet Spider, Ben Reilly. The dude from the lab. My friend...who I supposed turned his back against me.

"What are you doing here, Peter?" Mr. Stark, still in the suit, asked. We were standing in a very crowded area, and my identity could get exposed, but it seems like he doesn't even care.

"Mr. Stark! My identity! Couldn't you have said that a little quieter?" I hissed but not really. What I meant was I hissed but respectfully. Now I'm just confused. That didn't make sense, right?

"Well I don't care anymore. You're giving the suit back or else I'll make sure you never get in a good college and never get a good job. Not even as the trash collector." Mr. Stark spat and his face plate came off revealing that he was totally serious.

I didn't move. T-this wasn't him. This wasn't Mr. Stark-

"Now, Parker! I don't have all day!" He sneered in my face and pushed the spider emblem on my chest.

The suit came crumbling down, revealing me in my boxers.

Everybody turned to look and whipped their phones out.

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