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"everything will be okay sweetie," the caregiver promised as she tried comforting Jennie by the stairs leading to court. although she wasn't crying anymore but her shaky hands exposed how fearful she became of the world.

all she did was too look at her parents in hope that they will eventually come to her and hug her or telling her what she was fearing wasn't true.

so aggressive and heartlessly her father was using hand gestures probably he failed at expressing himself with words alone.. just to get sympathy from his wife he tried, to have her see what she caused to him and his life.

"..since all you have to say is nothing!" Mister Kim sighed "i will give you two options just so court won't force us into things that we don't like, and anything you'll choose i will respect it to heart."

Jennie watched her mother nod in response, and the two attorneys stood close to them making sure they were picking what was in their favor and taking advantage of any mistake the other might do.

"we lost respect for each other and i'm only concerned about the fact i would not like to co-parent with you.. so-" he took a breath and knowing what his options lead to Miss Kim began shaking her head as a 'no' holding back her sobs while listening to her ex husband say the words she feared...

"either you take the child or leave her to me," and so simply the words slipped his mouth unfelt of how deep they meant. he couldn't yet understand what he put Jennie into and probably never would.

"if you could only let me live my life, none if these would have happened-" Miss Kim sobbed into her hands, her attorney passed a handkerchief to her before looking at the papers the other offered for them to sign.

Jennie had heard worse and despite the fact she was too young to understand but she could get a hint of how unhappy the situation was when her father laughed hysterically "can't you see? it is what you wanted that brought us to this day!"

"do you think by blaming me for everything it will be better? look at her! she will be miserable forever" she argued "quit crying you would've stayed with your husband and daughter if you actually cared for us," and he walked away from the three angrily wiping at his face.

"it will be in your favor to sign it," her father's attorney suggested "you have no money to support the kid-" "but it says forever! how can he take her away from me like that?" her mother argued but the attorney said nothing else but only offered a pen for her to sign knowing surely she will take it.

but Jennie hoped otherwise, she believed her mother wouldn't pick anything over her thats how strong their relationship was.

and it stayed in past by the second she looked at Jennie dejectedly, because those eyes weren't of someone who fought for her! it was of a mother that gave up on her child and eventually she did it by signing the contract.


their dads were best friends since forever. Mister Park was a rich businessman and held Mister Kim dearly in a brotherly friendship, but it wasn't a choice that made their kids friends.. they were bound to become one too by constantly running into each other in the hospital.

but Jennie hated to believe their arranged marriage was fate. it was boring to marry the first ever guy she was allowed to be seen with, as if her father caged her for so many years only to give her to someone she couldn't even imagine marrying at all.

the fathers thought if their kids got married their long-lasted friendship will get stronger. Jennie couldn't say anything against it, since her father already accepted it, but Jimin could, yet he agreed!. 'but why?' she never really got the chance to get that answer.

"thanks for bringing me home," she smiled at him through the window, he roared the engine of his super car "thank this baby jagia!"

"eww!" Jennie slammed the door at his face "don't call me that ever again" and he chuckled to it knowing damn well he got on her last nerves.

he drove away from the sidewalk, and as she waved goodbye to him she quickly rushed inside the house. she does gets home late usually but today's wasn't because of her shift- it was because of a late night dinner date with her annoying fiancé, and there was someone waiting for her at home who didn't know about this at all.

she tried to sneak in without letting him know but as soon as she closed the door the light in the hall flicked open and she heard her name being called.

she got her slippers on and rushed to him only to find him in a corner sitting with his pajamas barely able to keep his eyes open "yes!" she muttered.

"where were you?" he asked checking the time again for the millionth time.

she tried to get courage and reply but he went on angrily "why you coming home so late?"

she rushed to explain before it gets out of control "i decided to eat before coming home..i was hungry," and he snorted to that.

"since when are you making plans? haven't i told you to not go anywhere outside the hospital?" he asked and she knew there was one way out of it.

"i w-wasn't alone" it broke her heart.

and the silence that slipped through made her nervous while he awaited a very good reason.

"i-i was with Jimin Oppa! it was his idea" she added quickly. praying in her heart that Jimin will forgive her one day for getting him in trouble.

"Jimin?, why didn't he tell me anything about it?" he wondered to himself.

it was disappointing how with his name his anger went away, could it be that he trusted Jimin more than his daughter? Jennie sighed in relief.

"i will talk to him about this later. go to your room now, and don't you dare to do this again," he glared at her before walking to his room to finally sleep the busy day away.

she rushed to her room upstairs. relieved from escaping another trauma and locked her doors as a habit of feeling safe. now that she was alone in her room away from her father's anger she leaned to the door thinking about everything that almost happened.

that was why she hated Jimin at first. believe it or not their story started from sending death glares at each other in operation rooms, she even took it to the extent of getting him in trouble just so to get rid of him. all because she had seen the way her father was admiring him more. as if Jimin was his son, and she was nothing.

but she wasn't a kid anymore, she had to stop trying to please him everyday when whatever she achieved meant nothing at all. and so she was now glad she could use Jimin for her own sake.. at least that worked well.

"that was close," she smiled and walked to her bed at last. taking off her clothes on the way and just throwing them around till all she had on was her duvet covers.

she grabbed her phone smiling cheekily 'could she be awake still?' and dialed her number..




it was no use calling as it always led to her voicemail and so she with joy in her heart began writing to her.

You| i miss you mom .sent

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