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It was a long battle that Jennie found herself fighting. one side was her heart longing for life, despite everything it still was filled with hope and love. on the other side it was her mind prideful and angry, it was what she mostly leaned to.
if she must be killed to escape all this once and for all, or should stay and hope that one day all of this will be a forgotten past.

she needed her best friend the most. Rosé who was always there to clear out any negativity and decide what was better, she was never wrong. 'but would she ever pick death for me?' she curled up in a corner struggling to even breathe.

when has she ever been without pain? but at the same time she has been a forgetful person her whole life, she forgave so many people for so many things that greatly impacted her, couldn't she now forgive herself for choosing life? it wasn't such a bad decision after all!

after V was done showering he left the room all for her with one last glance at her who still refused to soften up to his care. he left the door ajar, and she could see two guards were standing outside of it. their shadows walked back in forth, they were waiting for her to step out and do what they were promised to by their boss..

when Jennie walked to it and their eyes met, she knew she must make her mind now, and she chose to close the door at their face.

''i hope its the right thing!' she leaned to it trembling. she just now chose to be someone's belongings. someone's pleasure tool. she has to speak nothing against him, listen to him and act accordingly.. to live! yes she chose to live.

she spent the darkness of the midnight in the shower. an extra hour just to be sure the traces of his smell, his touch and all the memories of it are gone.. but despite the marks looking as dark as ever through the mirror, she managed to put a small smile on, "it's a-alright.. i have g-gotten them for my br-bravery!" and quickly wiped her tear and finished brushing her tangled hair instead.

crying wasn't doing anything for her! no matter how much she used her voice it was a waste if no heart willed to hear them! hence she put some effort to at least make her face brighter and put some Vaseline on her dry lips, all the options for perfume she had was his collection near the desk. if he had ability to use her body she didn't think he will mind if she used some of his colognes.

she then went to the bed— the dirty depressing bed. she hated it now, nevertheless she took off the sheets and threw it to a corner and got a new set out of one of the closets. she should forget what happened earlier and start to live her choice from that start where no hunting memories followed behind.

and while she was straightening the wrinkles the door swung open and she looked to find him there. he didn't notice her there yet and was busy putting the bag of food on the table in middle. she started fiddling her fingers, looking around in fear she might displease him with doing all of these without permission! until he took off his jacket and their eyes locked..

'didn't he know i was here?!' she wondered when his eyes slowly widened and mouth left gaped. she was first to look down breaking their glance and cleared her throat..

"you're here?" he asked and she nodded. nervously she started caressing her arm, tightening his bathrobe she still wore and looked everywhere but him.. then she heard him chuckle.

she didn't like to let him think wrong about her decision "we both know if i walked out of that door, they would have done worse to me than what you did," and caught him nodding and throwing his jacket over one of the chairs.

she cleared her throat again and averted her eyes from him, "i-i hope you don't mind me changing the-" and gasped as she caught him shortening the distance between them.

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