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After a long day in the hospital the tired Minhyuk got off his black Mercedes he had parked in the garage.

looking up at his house. his heart broke at the sight of Jennie's balcony that led to her now and probably forever dark room. if it was the days in past he would off have heard music popping from there, the lights would be open until she falls asleep leaving it to him to tuck her in bed.

the kid he disliked for being unfortunate to his love life has now became the source of his life that they took away, and only after this separation he had realized the depth of it, "come back home to me, huh! why so stubborn?"

realizing the front door was unlocked he got suspicious as to why, being a cautious man he always made sure he locked it before leaving. 'did they bring her-!' he pushed the thoughts away, and ran inside with raced heart and high hopes of finding his daughter there...

but there he froze.

it was his love sitting on a couch in the hall with an expression he couldn't read anymore. being away from her for years he lost his chances of guessing her moods, but only then he realized how much he missed her. by dropping the keys to the ground the now ex-wife looked his way across the hall. despite his broken heart he could give her a small smile, but that smile was never returned as she quickly skipped to him and welcomed him with a slap across his cheek.

and it reminded him of to why they were so impossible.

he was too shocked to think of the reason, until Jimin appeared from the kitchen hugging her away from him "how could y-you hide something like that? how could you let them take my daughter?" she screamed wanting to hurt him, until Rosé joined and helped to take her away and calming her down.

"auntie please calm down!" Rosé pleaded caressing her back in circles.

the older woman couldn't hold back. it had been awhile since her daughter went missing, and she newly found out only because minhyuk preferred it to be a secret.

"you coward! you never changed, you're still a selfish man that i can't believe i ever loved!" she yelled, and it made everything awkward for the youngers.

minhyuk said nothing, but to look at jimin who didn't dare to return it.

"what is she doing here?" he asked him, and jimin looked at him for some seconds, before looking at Jaerin in remorse.. "she forced Rosé to talk, and she has been waiting for you to get home for hours," he explained, and minhyuk sighed.

"if i chose to stay silent doesn't mean I'm selfish. if i step inside the police station they'll know, and kill her. i won't let anyone risk her life anymore," he claimed and took off his jacket to throw at a chair.

"why you didn't tell me? isn't she my daughter too?" Jaerin fought back angrily. Rosé panicked for she never see a fight this big, but jimin held her back to let the ex-lovers handle it their way.

"when you chose your dreams over her, you lost your chance to be her mother. how can you even ask me that-" he got the second slap just before he would go further.. and when she aimed for third he grabbed her arm tight.

"i chose her happiness over mine that's why i left her to you, but guess i was wrong since she grew up in agony for not receiving enough love. you forbid me from her yet you cowardly watched her suffer," she gritted on her teeth, and yanked off.

"what do you know about love? when you were the one who preferred to leave us for some damn shit, don't come here blabbering about love, you know nothing about it," he said and walked to sit on the couch still feeling his skin burn from the slap.

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