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"Get in" Lay commanded opening a door for her. she sent him a death glare, before walking inside some steps on her own will. well! she couldn't have a free will anyway.

he closed the door at her face, and she sighed rubbing her arm where he has been squeezing the entire time. she couldn't know for sure if the reason behind their tight grip was a kink or they just hated her this much that liked to leave marks on her.

"i hope you all go through the worst things soon," and after a couple more of silent cusses she turned towards the bed where V was resting on.

she slowly walked towards the nightstand making sure to not let any sound escape and put the tray of food down that she prepared for him. she wasn't just a doctor! nurse! she was now a nanny to a grownup baby.

she glared at him but couldn't hide her sympathy to him as he slept so peaceful and safe. she wished she could do the same, to just brush off the fact this side of the world was as dark as starless nights and be able to dream of things that could paint it otherwise.
for a guy to live among those people outside the door he looked different.

the tattoos, his thick eyebrows, sharp jawline and so much light in his skin. being sick for so long he was surely thinner than before, Jennie assumed. but yet none of those mattered. for these people secrecy, blood and power mattered more.

it took her seconds just admiring him, that at last she hit her head, 'focus!' and went on with the checkups on him.

she changed the dirty bandages, cleaned his new bruises that was yet to be treated. they had this way of letting things over their mind easily, they didn't want him to die yet weren't so worried to even help him get better. she grabbed his hand. cold to touch and long fingers softly curled. she considered letting him know about it because it might hurt but him sleepy now she didn't want to disturb him, and so began cleaning of the dry blood.

until his eyes shot open when she pressed it, and held her wrist with one hand ready to punch her with the other., she ducked her head screaming in defiance and he yelled "who are you?!"

it all happened too fast but she managed to blurt "y-your doctor!"

she didn't know if he recognized her, or even cared to remember her. but not feeling any pain she opened her eyes, and looked at him in terror, and he stared back just as alarmed.

he was terrified, and probably would be like this for awhile as an aftermath trauma of what he went through that day. it didn't matter if he was a bad guy, anyone in his place to be awakened and threatened to be unalived would have these memories hunting them, and Jennie understood.

she could hear his heartbeat racing through the small monitor by his bed. all long they did nothing but to look at each other quietly, and his grip slowly loosened while his fist dropped to his lap.

"i c-came to treat your w-wounds," she hoped it'll work and he would let go of her, but he only loosened it enough so it won't hurt and kept her wrist in his hold, "i have my own doctor," he mumbled under his breath.

her heart skipped a beat. 'what is this?' she couldn't tell what made her feel this way, but for a second his voice overwhelmed her. the way his eyes pierced into hers, his touch warming her skin was comforting, and seconds turning into years reminded her of things that she didn't know what they were. he cleared his throat and she could tell it was dry and hurt him, so she had no choice but to use her other free hand to get him the glass of water.

he looked at it as she held it to his face, she could see it in his eyes he was suspicious of her, "your father brought me here because the night of the shootings-" he squeezed her wrist and she realized he didn't like to mention it, "-i did the surgery for you, and i'm here now to look after you-" as embarrassing as it looked her voice cracked and tears welled up in her eyes.

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