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Awkwardness took over their table, after they arrived at the fancy restaurant where they dated to meet. the only time they talked was when they had to greet each other, but what could they do? what she said that day was stuck in their minds, and there was no way out of it.

they had sent the waiter away saying they will order when ready, but that was exactly half an our ago. they had so much to talk about, but chose silence and hoped the other would break it.

like the day she confessed when he left without uttering a word, now they sat facing each other as if it happened a second ago. she looked up at him, and caught him staring right back. realizing she was looking his way he quickly found interest in the unopened menu on the table.

she knew then he wouldn't speak, and that way she pushed herself to be the one starting it.."is there any news about her?"

he smiled a bit for her courage, but then again his inside was shattered. he shook his head side to side knowing it would be enough to make her understand.

"hmm" she mumbled, before turning her focus back on the empty table dejected.

Jimin noticed, and that was something he never liked to see on her, because she was Jennie's best friend! if Jennie wasn't there to take care of her it was his responsibility to do so.

"we will find her don't worry," hearing his assured voice she tended to look up, and found him smiling to her.

"is there any reason for you to invite me for lunch?" she at last dared to ask. it has been in her thoughts since he arranged this.

he nodded slightly leaning forward towards the table. her grip on her thighs tightened, Rosé wasn't so daring when it came to love and certainly not when her crush was Jimin.

"i got a massage last week," he spoke in a slightly lowered tone. she thought he will talk about their feelings and how to move forward but still managed to get excited at the news.

"what was it?" she asked thinking he may have found something about Jennie already.

"i need money. i counted all i had, and I'm still not close to what they asked for," he sighed, and she could see how frustrated he was.

but she smiled, and grabbed his hand on the table affirmatively.. "I'll give my everything to you-" she said, and it took her a minute to realize it. she quickly pulled away, and tucked her hair behind her ear smiling awkwardly. "-if it could bring her back of course" she added to not let it get out of context.

for a second he seemed to have been happier with what she first said, but somehow pushed those thoughts back and nodded.

"but what's that money for?" she asked.

she frowned to herself, and watched him keeping himself busy with the menu, as if he was running away from the answer that surely left her heart worried 'you won't get yourself involved in something bad, right?'


it had been awhile since she ever slept so good. maybe due to the soft mattress, or the peaceful night that she no longer had to think about what will happen to her! it was beautiful but soon enough got disturbed by background noises and slams of doors.

she didn't know what to expect from her first day as a slave but it sure wasn't his face inches away from hers when she opened her eyes, "what the fu-" and screamed.

she couldn't move as he had trapped her with his body, but for her terrified expression he must off have gotten the message that he was successful at scaring her "good morning princess!" he muttered "chai or coffee?"

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