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Steps in speed echoed throughout the silent mansion, and there was an old man running towards the specific room with worry. the bullets didn't only left scars on his son's body, but it also did onto his heart. hearing such terrible news had taken his soul out, and yet two days later there are the voices telling him he was going to lose him forever.

through pushing the doors open, the doctors inside were startled by the dark aura surrounding him, "what's happening here?" he shouted out of despair.

the head of the doctors bowed to him in fear, before gulping and looking at his boss's son laying on the bed almost soullessly.

he didn't know where and when to begin, how could he? as he was there to take care of him yet was oblivious about everything. the room was filled with anxious people running around to find cure, along with his heartbeat rate increasing through the monitor.

"w-we don't know sir. he was okay a minute ago-" before he would continue the father held him by his collars leaving inches between their faces. "you will find out, and fix it" he gritted on his teeth with his eyes almost popping out.

"-or else nobody will ever be able to find you and your family," he promised him death in return of his son's health, the fellow doctor couldn't help but nod nervously shaking in his arms.

it was all until he threw him to the ground dashing out of the room. the other's stopped to look at him, whilst the doctor himself stood with a mischievous smile appearing on his face. "find the reason, and you know what to do with it" he commanded, the others nodded, and pulled away from him who's life was at stake, 'you got power, but we're stronger'

"boss are you okay?" the taller armed guy watched upon him in concern, who was leaning against a wall in the lobby.

his heart was aching for his son, but was said to be heartless that with a gaze at his trustworthy man he smirked, and straightened up his posture.. "bring her to me."


"what are you talking about?" Jimin asked in shock of what he just heard Jennie say. it was clear that he couldn't believe her, but she didn't blame him.

"it's been a week, and you're telling it to me now?!" he asked again raising his voice, and she knew he was doing this because he was worried but no matter how much he scolded her it was done and nobody could fix it.

"don't be scared. from now on you'll be with me either coming here or going home, okay?" he caressed her head smiling, she didn't say anything and just hugged him quickly.

it's been a week or more, since their hospital lost one of the patients for the very first time. and caused some issues to her dad. she didn't know if she should be worried about that, or the other things that happened since then. she was going crazy as these days she had a feeling of someone following her everywhere. it creeped her out that she couldn't even sleep properly. just with a call of her name she will be scared to death, as if they would kill her with no mercy. but who? she didn't know.

now that she told someone about it she felt much better. she knew Jimin will protect her at any cost, so she trusted him, and decided to forget about it like how he wished.

"i will go now, we'll talk later jimin-ah" she undid the hug standing up, and he nodded ruffling her hair a little before she would walk away.

'everything will be okay jen' she told herself.


hours later she stood straight with arms crossed, eyes closed and all she heard was the busy street across the hospital while waiting for Jimin.

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