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When guilt once again took over his mind, he breathed slowly, sitting on the couch. a day or two has passed, yet it still hurt as deeply. what was done he couldn't undo, and it was what hurt him the most.

he was eating himself for failing at the only thing the Kim parents were afraid of. he was told not to risk her life; he was told it was dangerous, but he did and brought Rosé into it. the sound of the woman's heels tapping back and forth across him has increased his anxiety.

"y-you shouldn't have done that, you shouldn't have risked her life like this," she cried, and in her broken voice, he found himself drowning in shame. how could i do this to her? was running in his mind.

"you know it, Jaerin, it wasn't his fault-" the deep yet calm voice of Mister Kim cut his thoughts as he replied back, and somehow this helped Jimin let his heart beat once in peace.

"it is my daughter we are talking about, how can you not grieve for her death? he led her to her ruin!" she fought back, but it was only then that she choked up in her tears. all Jimin did was cover his ears because his pain was so great that he didn't want to hear more.

"she is not just yours but mine as well!, and for once, accept that it isn't you that is always right; Jimin loved her, and of course he will do everything to save her, Jimin had to try! it was better than us just sitting here and god knows what was she going through there!" Minhyuk shouted back. Through them fighting for who was the better parent, Jimin stood up, letting all see the tears he desperately hid.

"I'm s-sorry, i should h-have been more careful, but-" he stopped to take a breath, looking down at his shoes in shame, "I'm really sorry for my mistake. i hope i could return to that time and stop myself from doing it-" "jimin-ah!" Minhyuk called, but the younger was already out of the hospital.

Rosé grabbed his jacket and ran after him without uttering anything to Jennie's parents. she knew their pain was new, because it took her a lot to convince him to get there and tell them the news of their daughter's passing. not for being afraid, but he couldn't give up on her yet to admit that.

"Oppa!" she called just before losing him in her sight.

for a second, he had the urge to turn around, smiling, for her voice sounded like the one girl he missed, but then seeing Rosé's face, he knew he should admit that he indeed lost Jennie. if in any way, he grieves, then it means he has given up on her passing, but he was not ready for it.

'i was why you're gone forever- forgive me Jennie!'


the blazing sun was already up, lightening the sky, her face, and his arms that were wrapped around her. she moved, and he snuggled closer. she squinted her eyes at the sun rays and moaned, "ugh.. so early!.. i want to sleep.." and turned to face him now. She couldn't be bothered.

she recalled yesterday just then. the slap, the insults, and the disgrace that was her! she opened her eyes and stared at his peaceful expression.. he eventually found out she was faking her sleep and stripped her clothes off before claiming her again. only with his mouth that she could still feel him eating her out. she shivered and looked down at her naked self.. 'will this ever end?'

he mumbled something, gaining her attention. she looked at him, but he went quiet, though his face had changed. his eyebrows were knitted and his lips pursed. she removed his arm under her head and put a hand on his forehead, only to realize that he was indeed hot and the fever had returned.

"not those pills again!" she grew worried, and he twitched twice, and it got worse. maybe a nightmare is coming, or maybe another seizure is coming!

she quickly sat up on the bed. "V! wake up!" she called and shook him to open his eyes, but he began talking in his sleep, more like yelling, "V! i'm here.. open your eyes.. come on!" she patted his cheeks continuously until his eyes flashed open.

she could hear his heavy and deep breaths, he was sweating now, and she was concerned about not noticing it earlier. her eyes darted away from his naked torso to his hand that held the hem of the sheet tightly.. he was scared!

"V!" she called, gently scooting closer to him. she grew up with nightmares and therefore knew how to deal with them.

his eyes stayed fixated on the ceiling, and his chest slowly stopped moving.. she panicked, turned him on his side, and called him again, "V!" this time screaming, and once again his eyes opened. he pushed himself up and sat on the bed, panting and confused.

he appeared to be lost for a moment. not recognizing the bed, the room, or even himself from the mirror across! he was about to get off the bed if not for Jennie to hold his hand and finally make herself known, "i'm here! stay," she muttered.

though by staying, she hoped to not let him leave and pass out somewhere else, but he took it literally and hugged her.

she yelped with him pulling her arm, and now she sat on his lap, getting squished by his arms. his breathing broke, and his body started to shake. "you are burning! you should let me go to bring something for you."

he refused and hugged her tighter. she caressed his sweaty back and heard him say, "don't leave m-me!" with a voice so fearful yet so vulnerable.

she withdrew, cupping his cheeks, staring into his tearful eyes and quivering lips, "what happened to you?" she wondered.

a guy like him. who had the power to control anyone's life and ending. a guy who feared no law and no justice suddenly became the most vulnerable human being. he has become someone now that his normal self won't take seriously. he was an easy target for himself to kill, yet.. with a gentle tone and shaky hands, he pleaded, "don't let m-me go!"

with what heart could she ignore this? she became emotional herself. it felt relieving and refreshing to see that the one heartless person was also feeling like a human being! she had almost forgotten he could be in pain ever again, and she hugged him again. crying because, at last, she had found someone who was able to feel her too. to be scared. and although V was whom she feared, but this one she had to protect. from who?

"I'm here with you- it was just a dream; now it's over," she whispered to him. although he didn't say anything, she knew he needed that assurance.

"i think instead of painkillers and insomnia pills, you should go to therapy.. it won't hurt.. don't let your ego hold you back from it," she said, and she used the sheets to wipe his back and arms while he never loosened the hug at all.

she then realized something to ask while he was still being this soft: "who are you seeing in your nightmares?" she felt him tense up, and for the next thing she said, she tried to sound assuring that even by admitting it to her, nothing bad would happen, "remember! i'm dead anyway!" she chuckled awkwardly, "i don't think sharing secrets with a dead person will ever hurt you, does it?"

she waited a couple seconds, but he still chose silence, so she decided to guess it herself, "is it.. me?" she hoped it wasn't because if she scared him in his dreams, he might go mad and kill her in reality. he said nothing.

"i will take your silence as a no,.. is it your dad?" the most obvious answer is the mafia boss, about whom not just his son but even Jennie have nightmares. the boss never treated his son, V, in a fatherly way. not that Jennie has noticed the weeks she was with them. it will make sense.

but V said nothing again.

"is it.. Lay!" for some reasons, Lay seems suspicious too. at some point, Lay was Boss's man; like a dog, he would do anything for the one who owned him. she was kidnapped by Lay under Boss's request, so it could be that V doesn't trust him as well!

but it was silence yet again.

"well i don't know anyone else, but-" "myself!" he muttered, leaving nothing else for her to say.

'himself?' she gulped. that was a more dangerous reply than what she guessed it. for him to be fearful of himself to the point of wanting protection and help is quite severe mental distress.. she withdrew and looked at his blank face; she couldn't read anything from him. he was numb. he appeared to have died in his dream by his own monster self. just how terrifying it is for a man like him to be scared! "since when?" she muttered.

he hugged her again. this time his head rested on her shoulder, and he took a deep breath before saying, "forget what happened, and just please.. stay this way for five minutes- in silence."

she was taken back by his request, but she had no choice and nodded, "of course," and felt him tightening the hug.

she didn't give in to his hug, but she could feel her soul needing it. desperate for a warm hug from a caring person. thirsty for affection, safety, peace, and love! though love could not be obtained from him, she knew in this hug she could fix some of her broken self. she put her chin on his shoulder and sighed out the stress by drawing circles and triangles on his back.

but then she realized something that hadn't crossed her mind earlier. she stopped guessing, thinking nobody else was in this to traumatize him. then what about the girly products in the cabinet? what about this room that Lay said was just a guest room and not his bedroom?

"who is the girl you dream about from time to time?" she finally asked; it was bugging her now. was it his mother? a girl friend? a sister? but he didn't answer and stood up with her in his arms.. "five minutes over," he turned and laid her down, staring into her eyes and lower to her marked chest, "i will leave now," and he pulled away, walking to the bathroom.

she wasn't surprised anymore; she already gave him the 'king of dualities' title on her own for how quickly and unpredictably his moods shifted. she sighed and bit her lip, thinking deeply, "first there is a girl, now you are scared of yourself too?.. what could've possibly gone wrong in here?"

but she couldn't just wonder and do nothing. no matter how many times she asked and asked again, V never gave her a straight answer. always excuses and ignorance; she had to know otherwise she wouldn't solve this mystery, and if she doesn't solve the mystery, she will be bored just laying down on the bed doing absolutely nothing.

V had left three hours ago, and Lay took back the breakfast tray of food. usually at this hour, Jennie would be singing by the window, dreaming of freedom, but today she decided to not sing and not make any sounds as she walked out the forbidden door of her bedroom, sneaking into the hall that connected all these dozen doors together.

she could hear Lay in the kitchen cleaning his guns. she made sure to keep herself away from him for now. however, she hated rich people now more than ever, for the endless rooms and doors; she knew she was wasting time searching for them.

after an hour of sneaking around, she noticed two doors left to check. she smiled at the thought that one would be the main bedroom that belongs to V with all his secrets in it, and the other would be the door to freedom that she would need to use one of these days.

but before she could check, a phone started ringing, and her heart raced like crazy. she looked down at the hall and saw Lay panicking and leaving the kitchen with a gun.. 'he shouldn't see me like this!' she quickly walked down. the opposite side and rushed back to the basement, where her bedroom was.

she closed the door behind her and breathed out all the panic and fear. she ran to the bed in case he came to check on her and laid down under the covers. V hadn't let her sleep well last night, and although it was hard to sleep now after discovering these new things about V, she hoped it would lead to a positive outcome.

she slowly slid her hand under her pillow, grabbed the sharp tool, and brushed her finger over the thin edge of the knife, drawing blood a little. she stole a knife a couple days ago from the trays of food that Lay brings to her. he hasn't realized it yet, for he never came back searching for it, and now knowing she had a plan and a weapon to make her freedom finally come, she smiled with tears in her eyes, 'i won't let them hurt me anymore.'

and swore to herself that this time she would run away. she won't turn back like the last time; she won't care for anyone because nobody cared for her, and she would kill for it if she had to.

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