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The golden rays of sun had welcomed itself through the opened curtains, and they drew themselves across her face to disturb her sleep. she didn't complain. her ears opened at the singing birds telling her how beautiful was the sunrise she missed.

she slowly stretched out a yawn, before turning to her left side. to see him! but no matter how much she rubbed her eyes he was nowhere to be found.

days has passed over what happened, his words that he told her gave her a hope that day. and indeed he has been different ever since. she didn't need to sit on him as long as she sat next to him when eating, she didn't need to wake up and sleep with him, unless.. well.. he had worked her up so much from having sex with her for he always advised her to scream a bit louder each time. he would speak more than before but understandably all he had to offer in a conversation was how he drove a knife into someone's skull, or holding a human heart freshly cut from a soulless chest.. she tried to be the one creating topics but then he chose silence for he didn't have the same experience and memories of life the way she had.

but he was still the freak who liked controlling everything. her way of clothing, his frustration if she disobeyed and his obsession with showering with her! and it reminded her again that no matter what happens she is always a slave and nothing else to him.

she pushed herself up, looking around the room to make sure he wasn't there, before running to the bathroom to finally be the one who did everything. cleaning, drying and combing her hair.

she sat in front of the vanity mirror. her mind off to the ugly cuts and bruises on her skin, but there was something she couldn't ignore that morning.

it was a rare moment for a selfless girl to dream about being selfish. she might not admit it herself but Jimin's voice rang through her ears complimenting her beautiful eyes that were not the same anymore. black circles has gloomed it down and the weigh of tears and pain erased the sparks. or whenever Rosé would playfully squeeze her cheeks.. what was she calling her?.. ah! .. "mandu!" now she appeared like one of those mugshots of addicted criminals.. instead of softness there were spots and instead of Rose's mandus was bones.. she wondered 'what does V find pretty in me to sleep with me?' it wasn't that unlikely for a man like him to have different slaves each waking days.. but why he kept her?

"what now?" she glared at her own reflection, "you rather him replacing you and kill you?" that somehow stopped the questions popping up for a couple minutes.

although V has become her stylist she couldn't find him around hence walked herself to his closet and rampaged through his belongings for an extra piece of clothes. since yesterday she has been feeling a bit extra cold and sick, and wearing only a shirt preferred by him wasn't going to help at all.

she found a pair of old socks with a hole in one of them, and a pants of a pajama set. she felt the thrill of it. to be carefree despite the danger but it only lasted so long that before she could even wear the pants his annoyingly cold voice called behind her "shouldn't you ask before looking through someone's stuff?!"

but Jennie went on and wore both socks before turning to him "you dont wear these anyway!" and as she wiggled her toes one peeked through the hole to which made him snicker "still! you need permission doll."

she would have argued back if not for the food he carried in with himself. suddenly her stomach craved it. but too focused on the food she hadn't realized he was carrying her over his shoulder to the bed and only when he dropped her on it she flinched.. "what are you doing?"

with his body bent down over her he took a second to smell her hair before saying "playing dress up Barbie with you," and walked to the closet to replace the pajama with an old shirt of his.. 'stupid'

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