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she gasped and froze in his arms where she landed. he was pushed back by her weight, and had laid under her silently. they were close, too close that she could feel his breath hitting the top of her head.

it made no sense why so suddenly she craved him. her eyes drowned in his chocolate orbs looking ever so mysterious. her skin so sensitively accepted the warmth of his bare chest. he just came out of shower, and his scent filled her nasal cavities with longing and comfort, 'beautiful' she wondered in her mind.

"are you done staring?" he whispered, and his voice shook her out of her dreams. he was uncomfortable as if he was hiding something in what she sensed, but didn't want to be found yet.

she panicked, and pushed herself away. he hissed a little maybe her weight caused him pain but was able to sit back on the edge by himself.

"i'm-..i-" she tried to make the letters combine so to apologize, but her tongue twisted and turned uncontrollably.

he knew about her stuttering, and looked at her with eyes of disgust. it was a good sight to stop her from trying, as she feared what he would do to her.

"are you stupid? I'm trying to stop your fucking hand from bleeding, why the hell are you acting like that?" he yelled and held his chest where the deepest wound was healing.

maybe it wasn't right for her to dislike his yelling at that moment, but she grew up in a world where men were yelling and blame shifting, and she had enough of it.

"who told you to help me? i never asked for it!" and shouted back out of defense.

he stood up in rage, "you dare to talk back to me?" so cocky and selfish he mocked her vulnerability.

she was still safe if she just apologized, but what Jennie said next has took all the rights from her to live under his roof, "you're just as helpless as i am, why acting tough?" and she saw how his expression dropped.

the way he changed from someone angry to someone that only would appear in nightmares stopped her heart from beating. he took steps towards her, and her trembling legs could only take her backwards for some space.

"what did you say?" his voice got deeper, and his accent got more hearable to her.
she blinked slowly as her back hit the wall. uncontrollably she put her hand on his chest to keep him away "s-stop" she muttered.

he breathed deeply and she could feel it fasten up, her eyes teared up and when she looked into his eyes he was completely blinded and controlled by his rage.

he slapped her hand off making her yelp, and shouted having her curled up in that corner, "who the fuck you think you're to talk like that? who gave you permission to even think you can say it?"

"p-please-" she was crying but only screamed in fear when his fist landed a punch on the wall next to her face leaving it broken with a hole.
but he yelled more, "let me remind you in case you forgot!"

he squeezed her neck hard and mercilessly. she could feel being lifted and her feet kicked through the air. he was injured, he couldn't help himself dress up but was able to lift the whole 47kg that was her, easily. she was horrified by his strength, by this anger that shut down every moral sense and pain in him.. almost inhuman!

"what? why cant you scream now?" he clenched his jaw as she fought to breathe. hitting his arm and kicking his thighs but like a wall he didn't budge until that damned tear slid down her cheek.

and he dropped her on the ground leaving her choking to her tears and the cold air, "i don't want you here anymore," he already made that clear by his actions. it wasn't like Jennie trusted to be around him after this anyway.

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