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it still chased her down through her days.. the day her mother packed her stuff and forever changed the course of her life. although it was the worst to recall but it was the one she could point out her mother's facial features the best in.. as if it happened yesterday the pain and the admiration still felt the same.

she was angrily shoving her clothes into her luggage. as if doing this was not what she wanted, and Jennie hugged the door frame crying as if she already left..

"i hate you, i regret meeting you" she yelled out her thoughts, so her ex husband can hear it who was waiting downstairs in the hall for her to leave.

Jennie was told her mother was leaving for a vacation, but she couldn't help and mumble "lier.. lier!" to herself. if they were telling the truth and she would be back! Jennie was wondering why her mother was packing all her stuff then? and why is she not taking her too?

"m-mommy!" she called gently fearing her anger would shift on her, but as soon as her mother looked at her with teary soft eyes the little kid ran and hugged her neck tight.

"don't cry baby!" her voice cracked, hugging Jennie's whole body as if trying to sink her into herself and never be separated.

"don't go mommy" she pleaded and the mother began kissing her daughter all over her body.. her head, her shoulders and arms that stuck out of the pink tank top, her cheeks that stained with tears and fingers that refused to let hers go.

but she couldn't say anything. she stood up and let Jennie's hands go and grabbed her luggage taking them downstairs one by one.

"mommy!" she kept screaming her name following her around the house as she picked what she decided was hers while her father watched the scene in distant.. he was holding a glass of wine thinking about how to take care of a child alone or how things got to this point of watching his family suffer! but either way he didn't do anything to fix it and kept gulping the toxic drink down.

"daddy! stop her" Jennie begged while holding a hem of her mother's white dress, to pin her down but her strength wasn't that much.

her mother stopped by the entrance door, not sparing the man a look she cupped Jennie's cheeks and kissed her again, "Jennie-ah" she softly called and watched her sob.

"remember that mommy will always love you, even if we were apart I'll always think of you-", she stopped to gulp the tears down that tightened her throat before continuing "do you remember what this is called?" she asked placing her hand on Jennie's chest, the little nodded catching up on her small breaths "h-heart!"

the mother nodded, "whatever your heart wanted, or needed- do it. follow it, and you'll be happy. promise me you'll do that no matter what," she pulled out her pinky, and Jennie was rubbing on her eyes nodding before wrapping her small hand around her mother's pinky.

maybe that promise angered her father because out of nowhere he appeared behind Jennie and hugged her with an arm pulling her away.. she started screaming for her mother but the woman only glared at her husband one last time before dashing out the house once and forever.


she flinched back to reality when someone nudged her on her side. she looked to find Jimin looking all concerned "are you okay?" he whispered.

Jennie looked around the table quickly searching for her mother but that was silly of her.. the Parks were sitting and chatting with her father on the other side of the table and so she looked down at her lap biting her lip to keep the tears inside..

but one fell off her lashes and he caught it in his palm "you will see her again.. i promise."

she smiled at him as he did it back while secretly under the table he held her hand so that she knows he always had her back. he knew about Jennie and her mother's reunion at the hospital.. well! she couldn't hide it as while the two were hugging by her mother's car Jimin saw them and out of worry he didn't go inside and stayed out for her.

she told him it was her mother.. she told him she missed her a lot, and while he listened smiling at her, his hands were busy wiping her tears for her. he was always there, always cared and always loved her like nobody else ever done.

"can i have your attention please?" Jimin spoke gently gaining his parents and her father's focus almost immediately.

while Jennie was nervous and kept her head low, the three expected to hear a joke as he always lightened up the mood around the elders.. but tonight he had other plans. he cleared his throat and gave jennie's hand a squeeze.

"there is something that i have wanted for a very long time now," and he smiled to himself before locking eyes with Mister Kim's "i told Jennie about it but she almost always refused to let me do it.." and that somehow made the rest think badly of her.

especially her father who was quick to glare at her, "don't mind her son! you can tell me and i will arrange it for you.. didnt i tell you to ask me about anything and not her!" and exchanged a little smile with Mister Park who found that funny.

'ugh... i hate this already' she gulped.

"well.. my dear mother knows i have always had bright dreams and ideas.. especially when it came to my marriage," he looked at his mother and she smiled elegantly nodding in approval "he was only ten when making plans for his wife.. you are so lucky Jennie-ah."

"i know Mrs.Park.. i have always said that," Jennie smiled back.

"well.." Jimin cleared his throat again to get the focus back, and clapped his hands "you all know we both are always busy in the hospital.. we barely have time to chat or spend a day together," the three nod to each other and Jimin.

"and i know we need that.. we need to spend some days together before we are officially married. so what i wanted to say is-" he sighed and looked at Jennie smiling.

"i booked a flight to Paris-" he didnt finish and her father already disliked it, judging by how he glared at Jennie.

she quickly looked away and Jimin looked at Mister Kim gently "i want to take her there and make up for all the days i missed on making her happy," his parents smiled and liked the idea, the mother adored her son even more while his father patted Mister Kim's shoulder "didn't i tell you! my son will be the perfect husband for your daughter" and began to laugh joyfully.

all of them started smiling apart from Mister Kim who wasn't feeling the plan, and Jennie for not liking how they saw this marriage as a good thing.. 'we don't even love each other like that!'

"so uncle! what do you say? would you allow me to take my precious fiancée for a short trip?" Jimin was already smiling as if he knew it will work.. he knew his father would grant him that even if he had to scold his friend a little.. he had his parent's' support unlike her.

and for the first time since court, Mister Kim smiled and grabbed his glass of wine for a toast "for Paris!"

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