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After days of torture, and agony that sheltered her from any light of freedom, she was once again reminded of purity as a girl from that cruel world. no matter how hard it got, she had to live with this pain.

as she laid curled up on the edge of the bed, she kept weeping in anger.. or in discomfort.. or maybe it was that her owner was subtly studying her pain without caring at all. wishing she could cast him that pain and watch him suffer too, but the world never stopped favoring men.

'am i dying soon?!'

Seoul appeared darker this evening, just as her life lost the vibrant color palette that she used to paint it up until this point. now it was chalky grey so dull it hurt. then he sighed, shuffled with the sheets until when the mattress sunk with his weight right behind her. her eyes shot open, red with anger and wet in tears, he was always unpredictable but what he did then utterly shocked her.

"i know you hate me," was the first thing he said since breakfast.. she snorted and squeezed her stomach a little more.. and then his arm slipped under her hand, rounding her waist in a firm and tight grip before she could feel being pulled back. so easy and so fast she found herself in his arms.. warm and hard he breathed into her ear "does it happen to be this painful every time?"

he must have had a motive to suddenly get into her business.. to actually care and ask such things.. but she was in too much pain to calculate them. maybe just for today she could get a pass for blaming. she had no other options other than to accept his gesture for both peace and help as she needed both very bad.

her eyes slowly closed as he gently pressed into her stomach. it was quiet enough to put her in sleep, "sometimes!" she whispered and squeezed his fingers in need of more of his help. and surprisingly he scooped closer this time making a pillow out of his other arm for her head whilst smelling her hair.. or was he kissing it?

"can i get you anything to stop it-" "no!, this- this is good," she muffled in protest hating the idea of him letting go because it appeared to be he didn't just control her body and life but also controlled her pain and she no longer suffered this close..

she could hear him chuckle, he did enjoy it when she was seeking him.. she didn't care to correct his dirty mind, she couldn't control him anyway.. he teased her with "i like this side of you,"

before he continued to say "you don't reject me, you listen to me, and for once we are on the same side of something," thats until he disturbed her sleep and she turned with an angry face startling him "stop talking or i will chop off your balls."

he surely forgot this crazy side, before she could say more threats he hugged her now their bodies facing each other "shhh... don't ruin it," and patted her head gently, while Jennie whose cheek was squashed against his chest her shocked face turned evil as she heard his heart racing.. 'so i can scare you too?'

but slowly her expression fell "why you doing this?" emotional and scared she shrunk into his hug. maybe it was the warmth she craved, but there was something else. his scent. his body smelled like a mix of chocolate, sweat and a spray of musk. but this was a secret that she was too scared to dare and love it even in her quietest thoughts.

"try not to think about that," he said in a whisper, "the reason doesn't matter," but he wasn't so confident when saying that. she moved more into him in agreement and finally let her eyes rest.

'dont think about him.. imagine something else..' she told herself, 'greenery, sunset, pink clouds, yellow daisies,.. Rose in distant singing.. jimin pretending to be a guitarist..' she smiled, 'mom sitting by the fire.. two marshmallow sticks in her hand, smiling.. swaying, mouthing the wrong lyrics unintentionally..' she giggled, and V heard that. he withdrew just enough to look at her face lit up with a pure smile. his finger traced her jawline, wondering about her dream, 'where am i? oh! here i am... sitting a little further by the tent.. i'm inside, and the zipper door half open, my polaroid camera captured all i have seen.. they look pretty.. and i laugh at one of them.. it's Jimin making a silly face behind Rose once he caught the camera on them, i laugh' she laughed, 'i laugh hard and i look behind myself to show it to him-.. who is him?... who is that behind me? hugging me! and i let him hold me so dear! is he my love? turn around.. lets take a look at his face.. do i know him? is he handsome? am i finally safe? did i escape.. escape who?.. oh! V!' her eyes shot open.. she was on her back, the sky was pitch black, and that was all just a dream. she couldn't see his face but she could remember the tattoo on his hand and before she could analyze it the shadow moved that hovered her..

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