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This Sunday was for the weirdness in life. her morning went by fast that sitting in a coffee shop at noon felt almost like fever dream- suddenly people faded into background, almost everything was blurry though it could've been due to the steam of her cup of tea that she could feel it burning her fingers that wrapped it. through seconds of reality coming to her senses she noticed her sitting across her.. Jennie wasn't alone!

but the woman was as still as the clock that no longer ticked, time seemed to have frozen when Jennie recognized her mother's agonizing beauty that didn't seem to have aged well. 'why am i here?' she asked herself.

then she recalled arranging a meeting with her after encountering her mother for the first time in long years, when she visited the hospital her Ex-Husband had worked in. thinking back now, Jennie realized although the pretty smile her mother was known for seemed to not have appeared on her face at all, but she looked well taken care off. her clothes were off brands Jennie couldn't even imagine wearing, the jewels radiated a certain shine that let people wonder when passing by.. 'why am i not happy for her?'

she took a sip of her coffee— gentle and elegantly, and as soon as the cup hit the table with click Jennie realized her mother was talking about something.. mentioning her assistant sitting in a nearby table looking out for danger, whom apparently was the one who found Jennie's location that day, "..it was hard for me to face you alone!" she let out with a sigh.

and she continued "i have tried over the years to come and meet you, to find you and talk to you but he made everything so hard on me.. taking me to trail after trail, reminding me of a promise i made to not ever see you again! and i was just thinking how cruel can a man be?" she looked troubled, as if to this day she couldn't believe she ever knew that man.. loved that man.

'cruel?' it wasn't intended but a snort escaped Jennie's mouth that she only became aware off when her mother looked at her confused.

"listen Jennie-ah!" and as she stretched her hand out to hold hers, Jennie flinched away causing a bit of her tea pour on the table.

the assistant got alerted but with a signal from her mother he sat down assured to not meddle in.

"you were too young to remember a lot of stuff, but now you're old enough to understand most of them," but Jennie was busy wiping the stains of the bitter drink off her scarf, she knew what her mother would do..

blame her father being selfish, blame time being wrong, blame her magnificent divorce life keeping her busy from finding her child, blaming and blaming and blaming.. "just stop!" she at last yelled.

Jennie did want to blame him, as there were times her father didn't even care for her and her mother, because for him work always came first. but times were also in his favor when her mother would disappear for an entire day and leave Jennie alone with a nanny that didn't know much about being a mother.

the long pause finally ended as Jennie rolled the tears back in her eyes "you are right! i do understand everything now.. and we aren't in this situation because of him alone!"

"he didn't respect my wishes to work, to enjoy life and to have more than just a picture perfect family, so why would i respect his?" her mother said defensively.

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows utterly baffled with the accusations that not so surprisingly matched with her father's. weird how both blamed each other so much when it was much easier to tell truth and stand by what they each did wrong.

"i wanted to make money for us so we can have fun, and he won't be able to hold us back. i wanted a good life for us making money-" but didn't say much because Jennie stood up taking a hold of her purse "-you both ruined me, and yet somehow all you would talk about is money!" she paused for a minute to look at her mother head to toe with disgust "you are just like him."

she walked off through the tables to leave and never again to meet with her. she has always dreamed of reuniting with her mother because for all the trauma her father put Jennie in, her mother was the peaceful place- peaceful dream she would run to.. how disheartening reality was to take that away too?

"but i did all of this to get you to a better place!" her mother followed behind, "i worked day and night until i got to top.. i own my designer clothes! i know lots of people who can help us for better.. i have houses and cars and capable of doing more and it was all.. done.. for.. you!!" at last she grabbed Jennie's arm outside of the shop.

passerby's eyes judged them as mother and daughter cried, but the two didn't care.. at least Jennie didn't when she yanked off and turned to her mother "i wanted you then! to be with me when i celebrate my birthdays, to be cheering for me as i graduated, i wanted to have pictures of you next to me around the house.. the fact you agreed to not seeing me again in court just so you can have your divorce told me a lot about you but yes! that didn't stop me from wanting you because at least then you weren't there to prove my father's descriptions of your cruelty.. but now you did-"

more tears poured and now she hid them behind her hands as she leaned against the coffee shop wall, sobbing like she used to do as a kid whenever her father would remind her of how unloved she was by either of them.

the mother blinked once twice and more slowly registering the things Jennie said. and within seconds her red leather purse hit the ground having Jennie flinch her eyes open, she saw beads of pearls falling down her mother's neck and sniffed as it spread across the pavement.. earrings, crystal watch and even the new expensive ring she wore all fell to her shoes when their eyes met directly for the first time since they sat down for a coffee date.

and her arms slowly opened midair as the two of them sobbed and said "i wouldn't want them too if it wasn't for you.. let this helpless mother breathe the scent of her long lost baby once more.. p-please.." she begged.

how could Jennie be selfish, when her mother was genuine?. the woman that Jennie looked up to was back in her life, as pretty and as motherly as she was before. how could she not accept her again?


her eyes opened at the ringing sound of the pilot across the aisles in the plane. Jennie looked around as everyone rushed back to their seats, hearing the words 'sit tight in your seats' 'we are about to land' and her focus went to the window where she could see Paris's dazzling beauty at night time, it looked like the luxury items it sold to the world.. perfume, jewelry and love.

it was time now for her to soar into the spotlight she dreamed often about, to not just breathe the expensive air of it but to also live the stories Rosé told her about.

"are you ready?" Jimin's voice departed her from those thoughts and as she looked at him next to her, she seemed to have forgotten about him completely.

"could i ever be?" she muttered back as she held the tears in her eyes, though he could see it he gave her hand a squeeze in return.. "you could.. and you will in a couple of minutes," his assuring smile reminded her once again that all of this was because of him and him alone.

'I'm finally following my heart mom' she thought to herself. a little too late to do so, but better late than never!

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