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the hall was dead silent, not even her sobs dared to make a sound. she knew when someone is said to be slave they have to do and act however their owner wants. it was humiliating, it was disgusting, it was everything but freedom.. everything that this world was known for.

she shook her head, though V wasn't looking at her anymore but she knew she had to object now, "n-no!.. no-.. no!" she screamed it and as she tended to walk the guards grabbed her by arm as they waited for the last call from their boss.

"k-kill me" she muttered and almost everyone immediately looked at her, except for Lay who kept his eyes on V.

"i rather die! than to be touched b-by you, any of you," she screamed at them.

V clenched his jaw visibly uncomfortable "you don't get to choose," and as cold as ever he turned a blind eye to her pain.

she knew one thing then, her escaping this torture place despite all the degradation and suffering she would have moved on, but if he took her as his slave for pleasure she will never be able to accept herself after.. not with giving them more than her efforts, her skills, her hopes and promises.. she wouldn't be able to live with that pain of losing the one thing she had control over.

"you sick b-bastard! i refuse to breathe the same air as you i would certainly not share a bed with you.. ever!" she screamed at him, but somehow her reaction to it made the men around her interested in it.

she will be killed eventually.. didn't the boss say for knowing their identities she will be killed anyway? so why live to fulfill his filthy pleasure and have herself killed too? "kill me!" she demanded the men who grabbed her.

"well son," the older sighed, and Jennie could tell by his face once again she lost the battle.

she looked at V who was still staring at her. she despised him now. she thought after that day he understood her, but now she knew he wasn't even close.

"-for someone who saved your life," the boss spoke and as he said it he turned to point at her.

he was a firm man, he wouldn't make choices that easily, he wouldn't let her live that way. "i brought her for you in the first place..i mean we can't kill someone so nice that soon! can we?" and smirked.

while a chaotic laughter echoed in the room Jennie felt numb, felt stupid and dead inside. her knees weakened and if not for the men at her sides to grab her she would have fallen to a yet another painful one and while he was observing this he turned to his dad mumbling "thanks dad!"

Jennie stared at the floor helpless and silent as boss made a command "take her to his room."

'why didn't i run away? why did i have to save his life so many times?' she couldn't blame god or destiny anymore, she was given so many chances to make a thing out of her death but she lost it and now her death will be in vain.

the two guards dragged her to the door. she locked eyes with Lay only when she was close enough to him, and she noticed he has looked as shocked as she has been this entire time.. though when their eyes locked briefly before she passed him, he looked oddly.. empty! he never had a switch off to his hate! he has made sure she feared him for so long and now all he offered was a pair of dark glassy eyes void to read but perhaps it was because there was too much feelings in it!

they took her to V's room. there has been some changes, there was a new couch at a corner, his bed looked bigger than before and softer as they put her on it!.. she realized what it meant to tie her hands to the headboard so she started fighting them again.. kicking and punching but two was stronger than her by years and she was eventually pinned down on the bed with one hovering her while the other rushed to knot the ropes.

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