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One day, as V decided to disappear for a couple days, Jennie worked further on her escape plans. she had gathered enough information about Lay, his sleeping time, his skills, and V's whereabouts to be able to have it work out this time.

in her head, she kept calculating everything, while in her heart, she had lost another piece of it to V. had he not forced himself on her so many times, she might have had the chance to be her older self, but that was no longer the case.

she laid in the bathtub, surrounding herself with bubbles and peace. she let the curtains open and watched the cloudy sky above. dreaming of the impossible. until the door to her room opened and closed with a thud.

she flinched, and the water spilled over the slippery tiles of the bathroom. she looked towards the door to the bathroom, waiting for V, who was the most likely one to come here so angry. but the longer she waited, the longer he took to come and rape her again. which was.. odd.

with damp hair and fair skin, she stood, and the water fell over her down to the tub again, like a fairy creature woken from the depth of the ocean.

she reached out to pull one of the towels, but something crashed inside the bedroom that alerted her. something terrible was happening, and she didn't have time to waste. she walked out in nude towards the door. the minute she held the knob to turn, it moved on its own, and the person on the other side of it pushed it open into her. it missed her toe by an inch, and she yelled before a manly hand reached out and cupped her lips while simultaneously pushing her back inside the bathroom.

in horror, she opened her eyes to find V staring back at her, his eyes as wide as hers and his breathing uneven. she frowned as to why he appeared so scared, until she sensed another person with them. she looked at V's face again to ask, 'who?'

he kicked the door close behind him before he said loud enough for the mysterious guest to hear, "i will come back in a bit," and looked at her this time, yelling, "dad!"

her eyes widened even more. she had recalled every horrible event caused by the mysterious guest. his father, the cruel boss. the man who ordered her death and wasn't aware she was still breathing and living in his son's house. in this particular house, just a room away from him. her body started to shake, and V noticed it was due to the cold. he pulled the towel and wrapped it around her fragile body before cupping her cheek, "stay quiet,"

he turned to leave, but she grabbed his arm and hugged it tight. she didn't know what else to do. such victims like her, with nothing to guard themselves, had always been found and killed by their hunters, and that beast outside that door could smell her at any second, and God knew what he would do to her: "don't leave m-me!"

she heard him chuckle. he must have had a plan on how to save her; otherwise, she found him too crazy to be laughing now.. "i'm here; don't worry; nothing will happen to you, pumpkin."

he pulled away and caught her tears falling, "no sounds okay?" he said while wiping them off her red face. she nodded and he ruffled her hair. "good girl," and even though she needed him to stay, she watched as he left the room and closed the door.

a minute ago, everything seemed fine. now it appears like the skies have fallen and the cities have burned down.. 'what should i do?' she kept pacing back and forth before deciding to hide behind the door in case he walked in.

hugging her towel and holding one of the big candles from the basket. it was the only thing to use that might have an impact in case she was found.. 'the knife!' she started contemplating how to fight the man off just briefly, so she goes to the bed and gets the knife and finally stab him hard and deep into his heart.. if he wanted her dead, she could do the same to him.

she could hear them talking but couldn't understand what it was about. the louder muffling appeared to be his father yelling, while V talked quieter, 'does he suspect my death?'

then it all flashed back. the terror of his men, their cruel promises, their ways of showing superiority over her, and the way they never thought twice about killing someone. this place was a hell on earth, it all made her eager to escape even more.

suddenly for a split second, their voice dimmed down. and the bathroom door opened, almost crashing into her. she heard their steps as they got inside, and she held the knob to stop the door from shutting and revealing her while holding her breath back.

she didn't dare peek; hearing the boss so close was enough. "why is the tub filled?" he asked, and her eyes widened.. 'im done for! i'm done.. this is the end.. this is the end Jennie. all your plans and delays for what? i should've run away!'

V then chuckled, "i asked Lay to get it ready for me. its been long since i showered," Jennie's heart stopped for a second, and uncontrollably she smiled, boss then yelled again. "i don't understand why you came back here to this cursed house. you had the best time with me.. i will guard you. nobody can protect you except for me.. stop being stubborn. come back with me or let my men stay here to guard the place!"

Jennie frowned. 'if they stay, i can't escape! he can't agree to leave either.. oh God please don't ruin my plans.. stop being against me, please God.. just give me a chance!' she prayed.

V then responded, "i won't come back there.. they have their people among us, and i won't stay in a house that is constantly under attack... and i don't need your men here.. they won't know i'm back in here as long as there are no men guarding the area.. it appears like an abandoned house.. let me just plan for myself by myself. I'm old enough to know what's best," and she agreed, nodding.

then boss snorted, "you are still so stubborn; if this were such a safe place, you wouldn't be having nightmares again," and that caught Jennie's attention the most—'so he has nightmares here? here only? and people want to kill him!' it could mean only one thing: something very traumatising happened here that haunts V whenever he recalls them.. 'what could it be?'

"-at least agree to let me buy you a house somewhere else. a different city, country! why not go back to Paris and stay there again for a month? you were safe there.. i'm still confused as to why you came back and got yourself almost killed.. you never listen to me, and you always do reckless things," boss insisted.

V then sighed and pushed his father by his shoulders. "don't start again on that.. i told you i had something to do here. i didn't plan to get attacked that night.. lets just go out.." and closed the door again.

"Paris!.. attack!.. nightmares!! never-ending enemies!!" Jennie kept repeating them until she realised something: "yes! the night he was brought to my father's hospital! the night i did surgery for him and the rest of his men!" she frowned.

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