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leisurely a severe headache awakened her. she moaned as she moved her head up that was hanging low for too long she had cramped her neck, it felt heavy to carry that it fell right back down to which she winced at. it was like her skull was being stabbed. she tried to open her eyes but it all was pitch black, her limbs weren't working and if they did then something was holding them back.

slowly she began smelling a stench. so disgusting that she gagged and spat out her bloody saliva. she could taste iron in her mouth which made her believe she was bleeding. then she grew cold.. shiver after shiver until she realized her teeth were chattering, her legs shaking and skin crawled. it wasn't that difficult to register she was actually kidnapped and this place felt nothing like her home.

"h-hello!" she called not too loud fearing the darkness might have a monster she wouldn't enjoy awakening. but it wasn't quiet enough as well as she heard chains moving and locks clicking and at last a door creaked open near her.

"h-hello!" she called again crying, now hearing footsteps rushing inside.

she couldn't calm her fear as it increased. she wasn't able to see because of the cloth on her eyes but surely this place felt like a one that men will run.. there was no safety around such men either.. "p-please don't h-hurt me!" she sobbed.

and suddenly it was all silent.

though she could hear them breathe but their actions were unpredictable that she screamed when she felt a hand grabbing her shoulder.. she thought of the worst of worsts that wanted to kick him off but her legs probably were tied the same way as her arms did. she couldn't move at all but to shake the chair to the sides in hope that it will make him stop and it did.. but it also made everyone laugh.

"doc is scared!" she heard him again.. his voice. cold and merciless although he was making jokes but to her it sounded like nothing fun at all.

"please let m-me go! i haven't d-done anything wrong.. please p-please i'm b-begging you don't hurt m-me!" but her desperation made them laugh harder somehow.

she could hear another one walking behind her and grabbed the chair fixed as the seemed leader continued to play mind games with her "not that fast doc."

his voice was nearer and she flinched at his warm breath clashing on her face. she didn't expect it this soon. she wasn't dumb she could already guess what men like this wanted from women. if she didn't owe them any money or deals, she owed them her body and counting more than ten just by them walking in she had lost hope to be let free safely without a scratch.

she ducked her head fearing he might be too close by now, and he snorted but pulled her head back by a fistful of her hair whilst squeezing her naked thigh.

she screamed and he leaned to whisper in her ear "i'm not done with you yet,"

she spat straight ahead.. hoping it would be to his face and in the way he reacted so angry kicking her leg with his heavy boots she knew she hit bullseye. but the pain on her leg made her forget her victory "maybe another time," he spat back at her and she heard him walk away.

another silence..

this time was different though. she couldn't hear their breathes not even a single swish in the air except her own heart almost beating out of her chest.

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