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In a moment of thrill, Jimin skipped down the stairs in a rush almost tripping over. he held onto the silver suitcase tight to not lose it, looking ahead at the dark place where the meeting was dated in.

he stopped somewhere around the old subway station, that was signed to be dangerous to walk around it, for it was a reconstruction area now. in the emptiness, and dusty moments he came to realize that just like in the movies the evils tend to meet in places like that.

his phone started vibrating in his pocket, his eyes went around the place, before he got it out of his jacket hastily. a new message has arrived from the stranger, and he impatiently opened it..

The clock is ticking hurry up, before you lose her forever
(read at 11:23pm)

his heart started pumping all the adrenaline in his veins. he grew anxious and worry almost tearing up in despair. just then his eyes caught the silhouette of the man coming out from the dark corner.

a mask has hid his face to keep his identity unknown. his hands in his pockets, and slowly he walked signing how careless he was about this situation. Jimin with fear of what he read from the anonymous person walked towards the masked man showing him the heavy suitcase.

"does anyone know?" was the first thing he asked, and jimin shook his head side to side like how they agreed on.

he threw the suitcase shouting "your money!" to him.

the man grabbed it just in time, and inside he saw half of the money he asked for.

"you'll get the rest, after you bring her back to me- safely.."


no matter how much she wished the door opened eventually, and she who was still sat on the ground crying, stood up slowly looking at him closing the door.

he returned after an hour or more, and none of them had yet moved on over what happened. she had a slight hope that his silence was a sign of forgiveness, but all until he revealed to her his damaged face.

she had a complex dread at that second. fear of the unknown things he had in mind, and fear of the things that she knew, but tried so desperately to un-know. of him, and his eyes that held painful promises to her, and helplessness of herself not able to stop any of it.

he wiped over his bloody lips, and she saw his face showing the pain of the newly planted bruises around them. the stains of blood on his hands made her feel sick, she didn't know whose blood was it, but she knew he was in a great pain.

"c-can't you forgive me?" she asked in favor, he was in pain and she was desperate for some peace. but he didn't answer.

she felt like she could read his mind. torture, pain, scream, blood, was she wrong? she followed his eyes, and caught the headboard was what he gazed upon, which told her so much more than what words could say.

she gulped, and looked down at her shaky hands. she knew she must do it herself, if not he will push her to it. she always chose the hard ways, and somehow this time she found herself walking to the bed on her own.

he was right behind her when she sat down, therefore she offered him her hands, and he quickly tied them together and detached from the board. he pushed her backwards, and she fell onto the sheets silently. he hovered her in a second looking into her eyes so mysteriously, "you're in a big trouble, let's see how you can handle it," he smirked, and she gulped closing her eyes.

the next thirty minutes or so was a combination of her screams and his pleasuring moans, her assault and his joy, it happened to both of them at the same time yet they were worlds apart. what she was experiencing wasn't as normal or usual for her to enjoy the way he was commanding her to do.. and he would never understand this disgrace and will never even acknowledge it.

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