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Jennie was having a nightmare.. again.. same way of every other nights now and then this masked figure with a sharp blade would chase her down. sometimes they are in a ballroom where she dances with ghosts until he appears, sometimes she is running in woods only to catch herself in his sleeves and so on with many other scenarios and shapes but every time just before she would be killed he will run a cold hand over her neck and the screams will alert her back to reality.

she was drenched in sweat, and her heart skipped over and double ticked beats randomly, 'will he ever catch me?' she wondered with terror before sitting up on her bed, she first looked around the moonlit room before finding next to her V's bare back.

he slept so peacefully beside her she wished she could be as carefree and strong as he was, to just sleep the days away. he probably had more things to be scared about than just enemies hunting him, yet the way he had so less time to think about these dangers among the many criminal fun activities was quite astonishing to her.

she left the bed, and stood in the middle of the dark room glancing at the sky far from the crystalline window. dawn has yet to come, and she was sleepless! she sighed and pushed her hair away from her face, before walking to the bathroom quietly, in order to not wake him up and entertain him for the next hours of her night.

she walked to the mirror after closing the door, and gently rinsed her face and dried it with the towels hanging beside it.

in the mirror she could see things caused by the new events in her life. tiredness, sleeplessness, hunger, torture, stress and anxiety! messy thoughts of what will happen in future, and less self confidence has ruined her that the more she looked at herself the less it looked like her.

she sat down on the cold slippy floor of the bathroom, leaning her back to the bathtub just thinking 'will i ever get to wake up in my bed again?' she hugged her legs resting her chin on it silently looking at her toes.

she relived all the quiet days and peaceful nights that she used to be so unappreciative of, but now she hoped, begged and prayed for just one day of her normal life. of her life where all she could do was save people and be admired, her life where she didn't need to sexually please someone to wake up the next day, or to obey like a puppet to be fed.

the stillness in time made her think of a lot of stuff, and each got scarier overtimes. scared of a day to come, and her family would give up on finding her, scared to be stuck in this room forever, until V decides when to kill her for not pleasing him enough.

the only warm thing there in the cold bathroom was her tears that poured down her face, and she bit on her lip to prevent the sobs to leave. she missed to be warm, she missed to be loved, to be vulnerable! the way jimin would follow her everywhere to annoy her, Rosé never counted a day without talking to her, her dad! her stern father who happened to be the one she missed the most. how? she don't know either, but even for five seconds! she wished to meet him, and tell him to not be worried. his cruelty made a strong warrior out of her.

"i m-miss you all," she cried against her palm.

but then a knock came on the door that startled her. "Jennie!" V called making her panic.

she quickly wiped her tears as she stood up. it opened without a second knock revealing his confused face, and tired eyes looking at her. three days passed, and she could see his bruises healing.

he was surprised to see her there, and perhaps he was too sleepy to notice her swollen face. she didn't mind that. "why are you here?" he asked, and looked back into the room for a second before turning to her again.

"sun isn't up yet!" he raised a brow at her.

they had a fight over why she wasn't waking up early, probably seeing her gone from bed this soon freaked him out. she nodded, and brushed the imaginary dust off of her butt, before walking towards him "i needed to pee" she lied, he bought it but perhaps too sleepy to argue about it.

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