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The nightmare was more of a night funk, somehow she was in a ballroom doing waltz with bunch of faceless people. she knew the danger was coming when the music dimmed and suddenly safety vanished.. he was there in the shadows, humming to the music hysterically, doing little foot tappings while approaching her.. she thought she was running but running was never this slow because in no time he got to her side telling her "times up missy"

she screamed and shot her eyes open. the room was empty but there was no killer, she realized it was a dream from her sweaty body and registration of the fact her time wasn't up yet because the surgery she performed two days ago was a success and her patient will live.

he will live a long prosper life that saves hers too. hopefully

but she couldn't hide the fear that crawled in ever since she reported to the boss that his son made it she no longer met with him again! when he was supposed to set her free, but yet she was brought back to the stench room coexisting with a rat that she could only sense in the dark.

she walked back to the door for the tenth time today. asking for answers and meetings but nobody ever replied to her request, "hello!.. i need to be let out of here! tell your boss to meet me please-..huh!" she grew utterly shocked when she turned the knob and the door clicked open.

'whats going on?' she wasn't supposed to be let out yet.. was she?

Jennie quickly opened the door and to her surprise there was no guard, no dead man no nothing in the narrow hallway.. 'could it be that they left me to save myself and run away?' she loved it.

she got out of the room with no plan of returning to it and started running down some stairs and corridor after the other she kept running but it felt like an endless maze, like her nightmare of before.. there was no escaping this!

it didn't feel right for the mansion to be evacuated, not when their guns and everything else is there.. she opened door after door, no sign of human beings but only boxes of sealed drugs and artillery shells all over the place. she thought of taking one.. just in case one was left behind to guard the place! she grabbed one of the baseball bat looking tool with spikes on it and hid it behind her back.. she never carried a gun before and today it wont be the first time either.

she took some other stairs down and at last she caught the door. the door she saw beautiful freedom through it that other day. she with a smile and relieved heart ran to it.. 'i'm free.. i'm free and i'm going home!'

she wiped her tears while trying to unlock the chains when at the very last she heard something crashing. now if it wasn't for how empty and quiet the mansion was a vase being broken wouldn't have made much echo and noise, thus she halted.

then she ended up in a mental fight with herself. freedom was one step out of the door, but something didn't feel right for her to just go! she wouldn't get a chance like that again, she knew it was just luck that nobody was there to hold her back.. these criminals aren't so trustworthy to keep a promise how would they let her be freed this easy? but then again the noises upstairs changed her heart.. because it wasn't a vase crashing anymore it was someone screaming in pain and someone else enjoying it.

she looked back in teary eyes, she was afraid if this whole thing was a trap, or maybe if she walked either ways something terrible may happen. however, the scream continued to give her goosebumps, it was as if his skin was being ripped off of his bones. 'should i..!'

she should've ran away, she should've been careless..but unfortunately she cared.

she steadily and cautiously walked back upstairs holding the baseball bat she didn't know on whom to use. it was useless, but she had nothing else to use for protection. her legs shaking, and heart racing she followed the painful screams and found herself in a very dark hallway.

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