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Paris. a city that cannot be described but lived. its rainy night walks, its Sunday coffees mixed with love, its enchanted scent of prestige culture and class.. not even Jennie who now roamed it could begin to find words for it. Paris was like no other— a bittersweet reverie for a dead heart.

unlike what others visited the city for, Jennie rather to get drunk late at night and dance to a song she was inspired by, to find small underground shops that sold mysterious items with tinge of vintage story. to do things she couldn't enjoy back in home.. chatting strangers, speaking the language with sly demeanor and painting a piece of everything she saw in her memories— with a hope that just one of the pictures could orchestrate an entire movie of colored emotions with it.

"aren't you tired?" Rosé asked walking up to Jennie who took long minutes admiring the Louvre from far.

the cool breeze kissed her hair back as Jennie with a smile breathed in "i'm scared when i go back to Seoul i would regret not seeing more," to which Rosé quickly understood.

her mother was busy arranging for the event tomorrow where Rosé happened to be the star off. Jennie still hasn't been able to meet with her mother other than her welcoming them at the airport. although Jimin was fine by accepting the mother's hospitality, Jennie wasn't able to stay in the same place as her mother. as if she was so used to imagining her that being with the real her became unbearable.

"well thats good then!" the latter joined her friend admiring the view, gladly today Rosé could fasten their journey around the museum for she was a famous figure that understandably didn't need to wait in line for anything. feeling proud to participating in making Jennie's day, Rosé now smiled and grabbed the freezing hand of her friend "this won't be last.. like your mother promised."

Jennie thought about it for a second. her mother's promises seemed to have never ended well— her promise as a good wife and a deserving mother all turned bitter.. but she has also broke her promise to abandoning her child turned for better when she broke it.. probably this promise will break too for betterment of it! she liked that idea and decided to stick to it "i hope."

and at that moment Jimin's voice came loud and proud from distant as he walked holding three cotton candies as he was requested to buy, "i finally got them!" making the ladies laugh.

and Jennie noticed how Rosé was so happy by his appearance once more, she might have been too busy befriending Paris but she didn't miss her chance at capturing cute moments happening between her friends. Jimin at start was quite startled by Rosé could it be her beauty, her excitement or maybe just the being of her! but time again healed what was meant to be and the two were now cracking jokes and all giddy to each other that surprised Jennie a lot every time it happened.

"i'm happy you two are not awkward with each other anymore!" she muttered and immediately Rosé stopped bouncing on her feet when realizing the depth of Jennie's words.

"uh!" she looked at the latter mortified "y-yeah! he is a great guy.. funny too sometimes!" she managed to say without slipping away anything that was in her chest.

"there you go mademoiselle," he with a little curtsy gave the first to Jennie who bowed to him too, and Rosé just as shyly as she was a second ago grabbed the other one from his fingers.. his warm soft fingers.

her heart skipped a beat.

and Jennie swore she heard it.

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