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Homesick, Jennie laid on the creaky bed in her cell. drawing her home with her fingertip, although the air didn't trace it out but she could see all so vividly. Their house big, and beautiful. the little garden. the feelings when she steps inside after a rough day at the hospital..because it will be just her in her home, no fake feelings, no grudges or dilemma of stress and pain.

the place she felt safe in, she felt comfortable unlike where she was now. the homemade food, the warm bathtub and serenity of her bedroom, she missed it. she missed every corner and every scent, she missed everyone that has ever she stayed with from work to home.. even her father she longed for.

she turned to her side wiping the tear that slid down her cheek. another week being kept in this mansion it was leisurely maddening her. when she thought, that day the argument happened with V, it would lead her to her death.. surprisingly she didn't. and survived yet another storm but she knew her end would arrive sooner or later.

they left her there with no food for three days until the humanity in their hearts ticked and she was given a loaf of bread to hush her mourning stomach. and only two days ago they took her out to have her shower and be prepared to meet him again.

with V.

the one who was supposed to end it all. she begged him to do, but instead he let her visit him for checkups and through all of it not even a single word was spoken. it was oddly quiet around the mansion, as if they too felt her sorrow.

it was good that they no longer fought, but what made her feel worse was his stares. he would just continue to look at her so silently that it made her nervous, and uncomfortable. it wasn't like he needed her help at all! after all he was better now and managed to get back on his healthy meals and workouts as she spotted him do couple of times. but that also raised the question 'why I'm still here?'

Lay had told her yesterday that boss came back from somewhere, and she knew sooner or later she has to meet with him. but was she ready to leave? of course, but what if they played her? she prayed not.

another evening came by and she heard the door being unlocked, but this time it was rather late than usual time. then she knew something was up as Lay and two guards came in and instead of letting her walk on her own they seized her arms with tight ropes behind her and dragged her like a fresh new corpse.

"w-what is happening?" but they ignored her questions and she held her breath as they walked her into a dim lightened room where almost everyone was awaiting her.

and when they halted under the candle chandelier, Lay left her side and she watched him as he took the space next to the Boss's chair. he took his position and stared at her quite briefly before looking down. it looked almost sad and she knew they didn't have much good news for her, 'did something happen to my dad?' she couldn't help but wonder as they appeared mournful.

the silence broke by the man behind her pushing her to the ground where she knelt in pain, and she grew defensive of them all circling her now.

"Jennie-ssi" boss called sounding rather sad.

she looked at him and grew tearful, whatever he was about to tell her wasn't good.. 'they didn't take me to V today! did something happen to him?'

"it's been awhile you stayed here among us, and i must say we made good memories," he started and crossed his legs having Lay light up his cigarette.

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