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Darkness has taken over since faith abandoned her. her body lay numb on the dead leaves of the forest. for once at last, she didn't fight back, and the world seemed to have moved on as if it hadn't lost yet another victim of its cruelty... and it continued for a couple seconds..

beat... beat... beat

then once her heart had pulsed for the last time, it went completely silent.. no wind, no whispers, no nothing. and the void was quite scary.

to be hopeless was scary. for her soul to be so alone, it felt like she was trapped in a dark, forgotten thought of a deceased. nobody to search for, nobody to rescue, and nobody to recall. she was forgotten. and it so terribly hurt her.

"you can survive!" oh yeah! she wasn't dead just yet.

it felt like a nightmare; she knew it would end, but she couldn't wake up from it at all. an endless cycle of nothing and nobody, until a light came through.. painful to watch, but it was more painful to move her eyes. Jennie remembered nothing of it apart from hearing it again suddenly. her heart.. beating outside of her chest! 'huh' then she fell back into the void.

"fight it"

she felt like she had turned into a stone. how do you fight a stone? the it came again.. the light! and this time she caught drizzling crystals dangling from the sky! 'what was that?' then she was sucked back into the dark.

"do it for me.. Senorita."

it was then that she realized these weren't her own thoughts.. she couldn't even think at all as her brain had been fighting this loop of darkness. this was someone else's thoughts.. more like words! as her brain at last registered the oddness of it all, she came to understand the absurdity of it.. she can't hear someone's thoughts! 'then who is speaking?'

her eyes shot open, and she took a loud inhale. as if she had drowned and her lungs took the breaths they fought for. grey ceiling, a crystal chandelier tinkling above, and a soft, warm pillow were the first few things that she sensed. seemed like she escaped the nightmare, and now magically, she found herself in a daydream-like place.

the pain was surely real as it struck her head. she finally heard the monitor next to where she was lying. everything made sense now except that.. nobody was with her! 'what is this place?' she wondered, and slowly her mind followed to recall the last thing she knew.. 'i am dead!' she rose from the bed and nervously started patting herself.. shoulders, arms, stomach, and legs.. she wasn't in pieces or underground. she was definitely alive.

confused and worried, she looked towards the monitor that echoed her heartbeats, there was a prescription on the table beside it, a few needles, and a couple of medicines on top. she looked at the cannula attached to her hand; it was transferring a white liquid into her system. whatever it was, it definitely helped her get better.. but she didn't need it anymore, 'mom!'!'

she unplugged all the wires and tubes around her before pushing herself off the king-sized bed. she recalled how unpredictable and untrustworthy her destiny was; she couldn't play pretend anymore and wanted to leave for a better place as soon as possible. and possible was now when nobody seemed to be around.

she dragged her slow-recovering body towards the only visible door in her sight and managed to escape the room. although her heart was weak and her brain was foggy, she didn't give up. and soon she found herself crawling up a marble staircase. cold, slippery, and very new! she tried to push her head up to have more vision and see more than just where her foot landed next, but it was hard and unclear. she was sure this place was not like those she was in before.. and only God knows who ruled this one.

carpet after carpet, door after door, hallway after another—it was as if the maze in her dream came out and decided to play her once again. all until she couldn't take any further steps ahead. not because no more doors existed; it was the pair of shiny shoes that appeared on her way that was why she stopped.. 'who!'

she tried to look up, but her heavy head kept falling lower. she felt his cold hands holding her sides, she liked to think she was in a hospital.. she was found and taken back to safety, but this blurry person was carrying her fragile body back to where she came from.. "n-no!.." she mumbled.. trying to go forward, but her feet weren't even touching the floor.

"it will be alright!" he said, but what did he know about danger to be so sure that it was no longer the case? her eyes slowly dozed off, and the blurry red carpet became another foggy dream.. "V!.."

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