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She was like a storm in the desert. the sands her million thoughts, the heat her reality, and the void her salvation.  the way deserts make breathing hard, V's presence did the same. she knew she had made so many bad decisions in the past, but freedom called out to her. she needed it to escape the pain and fear of this storm; she needed freedom to live again if possible.

he held her a bit tighter tonight, though he was clueless about her escape plans. she managed with ease to replace herself with a pillow, letting him sleep while she quietly made her way to the door. the knife in her hand and confidence in her mind, she was sure it would work this time, and before she left the room, she gave V one last look.

although it was hard to see him differently than a textbook criminal, she felt grateful he kept her alive to this point. "thank you!" she mouthed to him for all the other times he did good by her.

soon enough, she was out of the room, standing alone in the hall. lights were completely off, except for the moonlight shining through the skylight. with the only two other people with her asleep, Jennie felt a bit of relief and assurance of her safety.

she walked up the stairs, and soon the hardest part of this plan came about. in this narrower hallway, two doors were at her sides and one ahead. Lay stayed in one of the rooms next to her, and across from her was the door to her freedom. she was just minutes away from running away; for now, all she needed to do was break that lock without letting any noise awaken him.

she tiptoed to the lock and soon began working on it. she knew nothing of locks, but she has seen in movies before how to do some stuff. although the knife was too big to fit in it, Jennie didn't back away and pushed harder, 'this is my last chance; I'm not going to give up!' knowing for sure that if caught this time, she would be killed.


she gasped.. 'it worked!' astonished by her abilities, Jennie twisted the knob just in case to check if the door was actually unlocked.. and with a screeching noise, it swung open.

it was windy, and the cool air brushed through her hair. she stood in the doorframe, inhaling freedom and what was left of it. she did it.. she found her way out, and there was nothing stopping her this time...

and he didn't plan to stop her either, as he said, "you succeeded at last!"

she gasped and turned to find V standing there in the hallway, with Lay behind him holding his gun and pointing it at her.

out of shock, she trembled and fell outside the door onto the grass. they walked closer, and she crawled further away. "stay away!" she yelled, pointing the knife at them, which made V chuckle.

he signed for Lay to put the gun down before staring at her white face in disbelief, "must say, you almost got away with it! i would invite you inside to celebrate it, but hey! i think it's best for you to decide."

she snorted and got up, still holding the knife to them while slowly walking backwards. "you think i will choose to get back in there?"

V shrugged. "you won't, but you should."

Jennie chuckled. "are you crazy or what?.. i will leave this place and go back home, and you two can't stop me.. unless you kill me! and i'm fine with it-" "-are you actually?" V asked, hesitant, but she eventually nodded.

Lay rolled his eyes, "get inside already.. its late; you can't escape with just a knife and no shoes."

she looked down at her feet, soiled with dirt, and stared at them again. "i don't care.. leave me alone.. i have had enough of this game.. i came to this world to save you, hell you people don't even appreciate that.. my mission is over, so i'm leaving.. i'm neither a prostitude nor a slave for you... bring your other girls to fool with.. dont stop me now!"

V nodded. "fair enough, but at least take this!" he threw his gun towards her; she stepped back in fear while Lay yelled, "no! you can't give her that!" but V didn't listen and said, "you asked why my father is so concerned about this house! well.. it's where all the gates to hell opened at.. no! it's more like hell itself," she frowned.

"it used to look better, but years ago it angered a sleeping demon. this hell house that contained such a monster now has become the safest place here.. those trees are hiding what you can't get past.. i think i shouldn't scare you much.. the forest! you won't really be able to get out of it anyway," he laughed.

she kicked the gun towards him angrily, "i dont need your pathetic stories, nor your help.. i can manage on my own," and turned to leave, but stopped once V said, "then you must know i dont give too many chances to people; usually i see and i kill, but for you, I will show my kindness, for you say you saved my life.. you have thirty minutes to get back inside, a second past you will not see the usual me.. you will see the me that everyone else sees."

wasting no more time in that horrible place, Jennie didn't even think to wear a shoe and started running towards the forest ahead. tears streaming down her eyes, but her laughter had already started echoing. how bittersweet to hear her own laughter after months of agony? "mom... i'm coming home.. i'm coming home!" she told herself.

but it didn't take long for her to hear a chaser. quick steps behind her in the shadows, crashing of leaves and branches of the trees. she was not going to get back in there, no matter the consequences, but she couldn't help it and kept turning back for the person. it almost felt imaginary, for she not seen anyone chasing her. she changed her route, circling in the woods and feeling lost, but the voice only grew louder, and at last she could make out two of them.. two of them that she couldn't mishear now nor recognise!

she jumped over a trunk and slowly went under, hiding in the growing bushes. holding the knife to her chest, she could hear two men coming her way. trembling but dedicated to freedom, Jennie was adamant that it wasn't V, nor Lay.. 'his father didn't leave any guards.. or did he?'

and suddenly the noises stopped.

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