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an ocean of people clashed to the theater where the show was running. paparazzi and photographers everywhere across the gravel path and the front garden. two lines of red carpets led around the fountain in middle to the main gate where celebrities posed and had their pictures taken. a place that for Jennie seemed like a scene from a movie, eyes wide as she took in the view from the back..

"this way madame" a valet gestured to her footsteps as Jimin came to her side and took her hand "let's go!" he beamed a smile at her.

the moon shone like white crystal ball over their head as the guests walked through the open large gates. they each wore the best of what they had, men in smart suits and red ties, women in glamorous dresses of designer brands, but all hid half their faces with their attached crystal masks that were the symbol of the night. but in between Jennie could feel the eyes that returned to her when on first glance she was overlooked. as though she stole the show; interviewers rushed to ask her to identify herself and her role in the show, but following her mother's instructions she did her best to avoid making any viral comments about herself.

she liked to stay anonymous anyway.

"let's be quick and go inside please!" she told Jimin who nodded in return and made a way for them to pass on into the arena at last.

the music outside was quiet— it rather felt like a dream, but inside the orchestra was too loud to hear any of her inner thoughts.. at least that was the beginning until she was used to. there were flowers put all over the place, a giant chandelier hanging above and a crystal round walkway which assumed the models would walk on.. it was all that Jennie knew YSL would do.

"it's beautiful!" she muttered out in amazement, Jimin gave her hand a squeeze as he walked them in further.

her eyes couldn't stay focused on one thing more than a few seconds, a lady smiled within the whispers from her date, a couple staring deeply into one another's eyes on the verge of craving sin, a bartender already finished a round of drinks before getting another few.. it was all distant until she captured some people's attention..

then it all overwhelmed her.

the eyes, the whispers and how quick it made a circle around them both made Jennie feel uncomfortable. she wasn't used to this level of attention, in fact she was fearing it. her heart started pounding in her ears, her stomach churned and vision almost blurred.. though before she could say a thing Jimin had already got her to a corner where she could once again be at ease.

"are you okay?" he checked her pulse and seemingly with his small distance from her she found a bit of security around and managed to nod and smile to brush it off "i will get used to this eventually," she said looking around them at the hall that was still getting filled in with more people.

"ease it up with this!" says mister Raffael snooping in their small conversation whilst holding two glass of what seemed to be champagne.

Jennie recognized him quickly from last night when he visited with her mother to bring her the dress. as Jimin took the glasses, Raffael grabbed Jennie by fingers and gave her a little twirl before both excitedly hugged "you look séduisant" and moved his hand in such delicate manner.

Jennie chuckled shyly and squeezed his other hand in gratitude "this is the best gift i have ever been given" she says with so much joy that Raffael almost burst into tears.

"now now gurl~ you must ease it up go on.. the show is about to start and you need to hype your bestie soon," he snatched one of the drinks from Jimin and helped Jennie shove it down instantly before kissing her cheeks "gosh i should stop staring at you" he rolled his eyes with a smile as if though it was impossible to not notice Jennie in such crowd.

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