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For the longest time since Jennie woke up in this new mansion, everything always went down somehow. only when she thinks it will never get worse life proves her wrong. because worse was subjective to each matter, and each matter hurt her mentally and physically the same way. but one thing was for sure and it too somehow managed to bring a negative aspect to it. she was recovering from her sickness and dizziness, but the better she got it meant the trauma of being subjected to sexual slavery will restart by this young man who happened to be her hero too.

life was messed up, and so was everything it brought upon.

she had dinner not long ago. Lay seemed to be the only person in the mansion with her whenever V leaves. she didn't know where he would go and wasn't interested, she was mostly interested in this peace. to not fear what was behind that closed door, to not fear someone hated her to core of killing her, she was dead to the world after all.. and this! was her beginning to hell.

the window far left from the bed was open to a garden filled with dead plants and darkness. the furthest away the scarier. as if the house has taken all the beauty and left wandering souls behind. but she could tell once upon a time, it was green, colorful flowers and butterflies, bird songs and tall leaf-covered trees. it was her. she used to be living, colorful with dreams. now like this dead garden she had nothing to hope for and nothing to live for.. thinking to herself 'how did i even think having my life saved by him was good?'

the door opened and closed quickly, the one who had walked in must have been in a rush. she knew Lay wasn't allowed much contact with, hence she had turned expecting V. and V was the one who was in such a rush he didn't even notice she was out of bed and all the equipments were gone. after all, he is back after days away, maybe he had forgotten about her existence.

he first walked to the desk at a corner, checking drawers and cabinets before walking to the closet, messing up all the folded laundry before he finally fixed his eyes on her.. he paused. scanned her naked scratched legs up to the grey patient gown that was an old large t-shirt of his. she was holding onto the long ends of her hair reaching her waistline, twisting the strands around her finger as she waited for him to unfreeze.. "can i h-help you find it?"

he at last blinked, once and twice.. before he chuckled and declined her offer, "i'm fine.." then went straight to the bathroom to check the cabinets there. Jennie knowing nothing better to do, she followed him around slowly trying her best to be out of his way.

the longer he took to find it the more frustrated he became, "describe it to me we can search together!" she muttered sticking her head into one of the drawers with him, he looked at her briefly making her back away instantly.. "just trying to be helpful-" "Lay!" he called out interrupting her.

while they stood waiting for Lay, Jennie realized V grew more and more uncomfortable. his pace quickened, his face grew red and started itching himself.. "Lay!" he repeated but to no response.

Jennie could pick up from his behavior that it must be some sort of medication.. a pill! most likely, his body reacted differently now to his surroundings and his eyes couldn't focus properly. he kept shaking his head, hitting his head and squeezing his eyes, she knew it then that he needed more help than he could say.

she reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him from overwhelming himself and expected him to yell, to yank off or do something she couldn't even think, but instead he dropped to his knees in the process and started having seizures.. "oh god! V!"

she quickly put his head on her thigh "you are burning hot!" before beginning to loosen his clothes, "Lay! for god's sake answer you damn-..ugh.. V!" she called but to no response she got up put a folded towel under his head and wetted his face with cold water.. until slowly the seizure stopped and Lay barged in finding them on the floor.

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