Chapter 9

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*time pass*
Harry's POV:
"I had you all looking in the wrong section how could I be so stupid?" Hermione says rushing up to Ron , Y/n and I.

Term had started again and all the students were back at hogwarts. Ron , Y/n and I are currently in the library because Hermione reminded us that we had to finish our potions homework that was assigned over Christmas but we had all totally forgot.

"What are you talking about?" Y/n Asks her , whilst looking at a book full of potion ingredients.

Suddenly Hermione slams a huge book on the table which makes the three of us jump.

"What is that for?" Ron Asks her

"I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading" Hermione tells us whilst flicking through the pages

The three of us just stare at her , like how could this be light.

"This is light?" Ron Asks shocked

I hear Y/n laugh from next to me whereas Hermione on the other hand just glares at him.

She then goes back to focusing on her book and then stops on aparticular page.
"This is it! Of course!" She exclaims "here it is Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the philosophers stone"

"The what?" Ron , Y/n and I ask at the same time

Hermione just shakes her head "honestly don't you three read?" She Asks exasperated "The philosophers stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It can transform any metal into pure gold and produce the elixir of life which would make the drinker immortal"

"Immortal?" Ron asks

"It means you'll never die" Hermione says

"I know what it means" Ron retorts

"Shhhh" I say . Can these two just stop arguing for two seconds
"The only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr Nicholas Flamel the noted alchemist who last year celebrated his 665th birthday" Hermione continues

Six hundred and sixty five years old !! No wonder Snape wants the stone so bad!

"That's what fluffys guarding on the third floor. That's what's under the trap door . The philosophers stone" Hermione says

"But how are we gonna get it?" Y/n Asks

*time pass*
The four of us run out of the castle under Harry's invisibility cloak towards Hagrids hut by the forbidden forest. We decided to ask Hagrid about the stone and why it's being kept at hogwarts. We knock on the large wooden door and wait.
"We are gonna get in so much trouble if we get caught" Hermione tells us nervously

"It's alright no ones gonna catch us especially when we are under the cloak" Y/n reassures Hermione

After a while Hagrid opens the door and is shocked when he sees the four of us.

"Hagrid!" I exclaim

"Why hello" he replies in a raspy voice "sorry don't mean to be rude but I'm in no fit state to entertain today" he starts to close the door

"We know about the philosophers stone!" We all say at the same time

He opens the door and looks back in his house "oh well you better come in then"

"We think Snapes trying to steal it" I tell him walking into the house with the others trailing behind me
"Snape? Blimey your not still on about him are ya?" He Asks leading us to his seating area
"Hagrid we know he's after the stone!" I say desperate for him to believe us
"Besides it all adds up" Y/n adds
"We just don't know why he wants it" Hermione says

"Snape is one o' the teachers protecting the stone. He's not about to steal it" Hagrid protests

"What?" Y/n and I ask at the same time

"You heard me" Hagrid says "Right c'mon now. I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment" as he looks down at the fire pit

"Wait a minute one of the teachers?" Y/n Asks whilst I look at Ron's anxious face as he is sitting next to Hagrid's massive dog fang.

"Of course! There are other things defending the stone , spells , enchantments" Hermione says from an oversized armchair across from me

"That's right" Hagrid says bluntly "waste o' bloody time if you ask me ain't no one gonna get past fluffy. Ain't a sole knows how except for me and Dumbledore. I shouldn't have told you that"

Suddenly the pot that's hanging over Hagrids fire pit starts shaking violently and we all look over curiously.

"Ooh ouch ah!" Hagrid says as he removes the hot egg from the pot and places it on the table

We all gather round it.
"Uh Hagrid what exactly is that?" I ask him
"Well it's an uh" Hagrid stutters
"I know what that is! Wow but Hagrid How did you get one?" Ron Asks him
"I won it. Off a stranger I met down the pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid of it as a matter of fact" Hagrid says

The egg on the table starts to crack and suddenly it fully cracks sending lots of pieces of shell flying everywhere. I look at the table and see a tiny dragon.

"No way!" Y/n exclaims "that is awesome I've never seen one up close before!"

"Is that , a dragon?" Hermione Asks Hagrid

"That's not just a dragon! It's a Norwegian Ridgeback!" Ron says amazed "my brother Charlie works with them in Romania"

"Isn't he beautiful" Hagrid says "oh look bless him , he knows his mummy! "Hello Norbert" He says patting his head.

"Norbert?" I ask
"Yeah! Well he's got to have a name doesn't he?" Hagrid replies

Y/n nudges me and we both try and hold back laughs. Suddenly Norbert Hiccups and a blast of fire roars our his mouth and catches on hagrids beard. Hermione shrieks and Y/n , Ron and I watch cautiously as Hagrid try's to put out the fire.

"Well he outta be trained up a bit o' course" he laughs trying to convince himself.

Y/n looks at me again.
"Who's that?" Hagrid asks pointing to the window we all turn around and see none other than Draco Malfoy stood there peering through the window of Hagrids Hut.

"Malfoy!" I say annoyed

Hagrid gets a look of fear on his face. "Oh dear"

Hope you enjoyed this chapter❤️

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