19. "Only the ones who call you bitch."

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Kate smiles to me as she hands me her walky-talky. I almost forgot about her, but I am so relieved to see her. Like with Liam, you know from the start that she's a good person. Her round face is beautifully framed by her brown hair and her smile tells me that she has her heart in the right place. It is a pity that she doesn't want a roommate, or I would have traded her for Rosie in a heartbeat.

Although I think that Rosie isn't entirely bad, I feel like she's like those girls that used to hang around at my school. Only loyal when they feel like it, or when they can benefit from you. And because of my father I could never be of an advantage to them. From a young age I learned to shelter myself from them and I am going to do the same with Rosie. I will be friendly, but never her friend. I've learned my lesson.

"Everything okay?" Kate asks. Harry is outside with Pablo and I look around the room to make sure he's gone. "Harry told me about Rosie."

"Oh." I frown but now understand why Harry was already here when I arrived.

"Harry and I are from the same town. That's why he sometimes tells me things," she explains when she must see my confusion.

"Okay," I reply, still not sure what to say to her.

"I was you last year," she says and I wonder what she means by that. "Rosie made it her goal to destroy me and was jealous at me and Harry. Stupid girl."

She shakes her head and laughs without much emotion put in to it. "But I am still here and still friends with Harry, so please don't worry about her. Just know that you can always come to me, okay?"

"Okay," I repeat, still not truly understanding what she means.

"Have fun tonight. Night shifts are always an adventure." She smiles one last time before she leaves me alone.

I sit down in the chair where she was sitting to look over the dark sea. There is some light from the strip behind us, but it isn't much. The beach is empty for as far as my eye can see and I wonder where Harry is. I look around the place to see there's a small television and radio and an old leather couch. There's a small counter with a microwave and a coffee machine.

Behind all the lockers to put our bags away is the actual space where they can treat people. There's a cabinet that holds all of the medicine, bandages and the AED. There are two stretchers for victims and some fold up chairs for their company.

This place looks old but you can tell that people work here and have fun doing it. The posters on the walls of woman have sharpie beards. There's a big schedule that catches my attention. Zeno gave me one after my race at the swimming pool but I never had a chance to look at it. Something that is not really me. Usually I would have my schedule printed in my head, but here I have no clue what my week will look like.

As I scan the big month planner, I am not surprised to see that all my shifts are with Harry. There are only two things that catch my attention. None or our shifts are with Rosie and I have every other Sunday off. The day when all the activities are planned for the team. I remember Zeno giving me a calendar for that as well.

I'm surprised when Harry's voice comes through the walky-talky that I still hold in my hand.

"Come outside Lexie," he orders.

"Where?" I ask happy that I still know how to use the thing.

"Outside the storeroom and close the door, key hangs next to it."

I look to the door where indeed a key-chain hangs. I grab it and lock the door from the outside, hanging the chain around my neck once I am done. There's only a small light bulb above the door that lights up the stairs. I take them to enter the eerie looking beach. Harry better not scare me. Again.

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