Chapter 4: Hippie Chics Like Yoga

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Song for this Chapter: Something, originally performed by the Beatles. Although nothing can compare to the original, I like this cover imagined as Soundcrush--it's more folk but also, kickier than the great classic.

Here's a shot of the yoga action going on in this chapter:

Here's a shot of the yoga action going on in this chapter:

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I guess I rattled the mighty Lion.

He's avoiding me.

We're at the rooftop restaurant after the rehearsal dinner. The LA skyline is gorgeous and everyone is having a great time, except for him. And me. 

He's sitting at the bar, nursing another tequila and I'm sitting at one of the tables with Mac and Tam, listening to baby talk. Leed and I are doing that high school thing, where we catch one another looking and look away.

I feel so silly, but I can't help it. He looks amazing, all tight-suit and open-collared, leaning backwards against the bar, his elbows bracing him, his head lifted as he surveys the skyline. He look so...regal.

And somber. I honestly can never decide if he looks sexier sullen or smirking. But since he's sexy as all get-out no matter what expression he wears, I'd much rather see him smiling.

I hate the idea that I might be the reason for his dissatisfied mood. That man has no idea how much I want to give into him—to give him whatever he wants.

It's just that I'm afraid he only knows how to take. I'm afraid he'd run through me. I'm only just learning how to keep my own tank full again.

"Amiright, Ash?" Mac smacks me lightly in the arm.

"Uhhhh, sorry, what?" I ask.

"That Leed should be in the delivery room. It's his kid. It will be fine. He's good under pressure. He'll roll with it and he won't make a drama. Right, Ash?"

I blush. Why is Mac asking me, like I'm the Leed expert in the room?

I give Tam a sympathetic smile. "I think you, Ben and Leed should probably just talk about it—and very soon, because it's going to happen any day now. I know Leed would like to be there, but it's an unusual situation. I'm sure what he wants most is to start off in a good place with you and Ben as parents, you know?"

Tam gets a weird expression. She almost looks...guilty. I'm not sure why, but I guess there is some measure of guilt about having one man's baby and marrying another at the same time.

I shoot Leed another look. This time, he raises his glass and gives me a nod, before looking away and taking another heavy swallow. Maybe he's not put off by the blunt rules of engagement I gave him earlier. Maybe he's upset for an entirely different reason. This can't be easy on him...watching Tam marry another man. The uncertainty of how they will all negotiate being parents.

Of course, Ashlynn. Don't be so narcissistic. This is not about you. Leed is struggling, and he has every right to be.

I rise to go to him. He watches me walking toward him, but Kat intercepts me, locking arms with me, drawing her head close to mine. "Come on, this dinner is played out. Let's go back to the suite and kick Trace and Adam's ass at Guitar Hero."

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