Chapter 16: Front Men Deal With Baby-Mama's

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Song for this chapter: Hanging By A Moment by Lifehouse. I feel like this song is good for Leed right now, because in this very tense moment between Tam and Ashlynn, Leed leads with his heart...but unfortunately Ashlynn maybe doesn't realize just how far he's willing to go for her...


"Right," Riley is saying to me as we watch Tam stalk into the room. "I think I'll bow out gracefully, head down to a quiet spot in the lobby, and destroy a would-be paparazzi's pathetic attempt at a career, unless you want me to mediate your family drama?"

"I got it, you deal with the sleazeball," I call over my shoulder and stride down the hall, keeping a few feet ahead of Ben.

When I reach the door, Ash is holding onto the IV pole, sliding it in front of Tam, who looks like she's about to put some of the defense moves Ben has taught her into offense. Ollie is fussing again, his cries small but increasing.

"What the hell, Ashlynn!?!? Give him to me!" I can tell Tam is clenching her teeth.

To me, it looks like Ash is only trying to call Tam's attention to the fact that Ollie has an IV and that she has to move carefully with him, but I guess in Ben's eyes, the scene looks different—like Ash is trying to put the pole between them and block Tam from Ollie. He brushes past me, steps right between Tam and Ash, and brings the shock and awe down on Ash like he would with an overzealous pap.

"Give.Me.My.Son.Now." His ferocity is barely restrained. She stares up into his face, all the color draining from hers.

"Hey! There's no fucking need for that," I growl, but if I push between them, somebody's getting shoved, because there's no more room. And I'm not shoving a pissed-off dude who has killed people in hand-to-hand combat while he's inches from the three most important people in my life.

Ash's gaze flits to me, but she's already handing Ollie off, and Ben is already turning to give him to his mother. Tam is blinking rapidly, tears pouring, as she hugs him tightly, kissing his head. "I'm so sorry, Ollie. I never should have left you. I'm so sorry...I'm here now, baby..."

Ben still has his hands on Ollie, too, feeling him everywhere, like he can figure out what's wrong with him by touch. "What has the doctor said?" Ben murmurs.

"Nothing yet. Still waiting on the test results," I report.

Ashlynn has backed up against the wall. I move to her, taking her head in my hands. "You okay?" I ask. She nods, but her aqua eyes are full of something very heavy as her gaze focuses beyond me, on Ben's back. She looks...scared.

No...that's not quite right. She looks...wary. Panicky. She looks like somebody that was just confronted with a dangerous man—someone who knows from experience just how dangerous men can be. She looks like...prey.

Suddenly, I'm furious. I put a hand on her shoulder, because I'm afraid she's going to bolt out of the room, and I can't be running Ash down and be here where I need to be at the same time. So first order of business is to set things straight, here. It takes everything in me to keep my voice even.


He turns to me.

"I don't give a shit what kind of personal drama is going down between us, you ever physically intimidate Ash again, you're fucking fired, you get me?"

His eyes are just as hard as my voice, but he nods slowly. I think he's about to apologize, but Tam interjects.

"Are you kidding me, Leed? There's something wrong with our son...and you are worried about Ashlynn's feelings right now?" She's moving to unwrap him from his blankets and check every inch of him. "Oh my god," she says, "What is that!?!?" She unsnaps his onesie, running her hands over his belly. I move to see what she's seeing, but she pulls him to her chest again, cooing softly as he starts to fuss. "What did you do to him?" she demands glaring from me to Ash.

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