Chapter 41: Front Men (Finally!) Get In On A Secret

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Okay it's time for my new favorite ship. Leed and Bodie. Lodie? Bodeed? I don't know, I just love them (see Drastic prologue if you haven't yet). 

Some crazy stuff happening at Bodie's new on....


Bodie's place worries me.

It's too close to his dangerous old life.

It's everything he doesn't stand for, in more ways than one.

It's a showy, brand new, mixed media custom job with stone work and wexford blue wood siding in South East Atlanta--geographically somewhere between the run-down properties of his old neighborhood and skyscraper downtown. New builds like this one are creeping as fast as kudzu from the city center. Despite it's relatively regular size (for a celebrity) and the fact that there are low income apartments two streets over, the place cost him bank, I'm sure.

Location is everything, and this area is rapidly becoming prime real estate close to trendy bars, clubs and boutiques.

Some people think that tearing down homes in the older, poor sections of town and remaking them into expensive neighborhoods is a way to reduce crime and improve city life, but there's a down side to the process, too. It's pushing the regular folk out of their homes, because of pressure to sell and rising property taxes—and leaving them with less affordable options and more inconvenient locations. It's breaking up what sense of community that exists in the poorer parts of town. And without a sense of community, people already at risk find themselves lost in a city of six million people.

I know Bodie hates the regentrification problems, so I'm surprised that he bought a place like this. Especially since he moved his mother up to North Atlanta years ago. At first he just fixed up her old house, because she didn't want to move out of the neighborhood she had lived in her whole life, but his celebrity status started causing problems for her. She had a break-in while she was home, because everyone knew that her house was now filled with nice things. After that, Bodie bought her a place on the opposite side of Atlanta, in a gated community.

Bodie's new place has no gate, which is kind of crazy, considering. I'm no elitist, but it seems to me he's just looking for a hassle, buying this place. I park on the street, because there is no other option. Marley already texted me that the place only has a two car garage and Bodie has already filled it with two identical window-tinted, black Escalades, which is a good way to avoid being followed, if he needs diversionary tactics at some point. Which he will, because he's already been made in his new home by the media.

As soon as I get out of the car, three paps circle me, snapping away.

"What's up with the beater, Leed? Afraid to drive a nice ride down here? Why has Bodie moved to Atlanta? Is it true that Bodie is on the outs with the band? Is it because of his drug problem or because Madam hates Arabella? Did Bodie marry her in Thailand?"

I never pause, but the last question sends tiny spasms of terror down my spine.

Jesus Christ, I hope to fuck he didn't marry Arabella.

When the first pap steps off the sidewalk into the six foot scrap of grass that constitutes Bodie's front yard, I turn and shove him. "Get the fuck off, man. Unless you want to go to jail for trespassing."

He smirks and takes one step back onto the sidewalk, shooting me the whole time.

Another pap is in the yard now. I sigh, considering my options. There is a huge part of me that wants to deck one of these guy, but it's probably more that I want to punch the dude who is puking over the side of a toilet while my Sunshine holds his shoulders and wipes his mouth.

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