Chapter 49: Hippie Chics Aren't Prepared

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I'm trying to get a double update out to you today...I'm about 2/3's finished with the next chapter. I'm pretty sure y'all will be wanting it....


Over the next few days, Leed and Ollie and I feel like a family. After Leed's uncomfortable meeting at Colossus, he only wants to focus on fun. Every day is a baby wonderland, the three of us blowing soap bubbles or rolling balls or playing hide and seek around the house. Baby yoga, of course, and Ravi yoga, too, while Ollie watches.

When I tell Leed that Ollie's library is perhaps a little bit lacking in age-appropriate material--we have two shape and color board books, and a custom painted bookcase full of Harry Potter and Grimm's Fairytales and Aesop's Fable and dozens of other beautiful gifted books that Ollie isn't ready for, Leed declares it Cub's Day Out and suggests we head to lunch and the book store.

Within the hour, my new security has arrived.

Apparently he was looking for an excuse to try out my new security under his supervision. First up is West Barrick, who apparently will supervise my complete unnecessary detail. He's an ex-army buddy of Ben's that was eager to join the SCIC security situation. John recommended him, and Leed trusts John and excessive force, and that's how I ended up with this 6-foot-5 wall of completely inconspicuous bearded beefcake.

Despite having approved him, Leed is very protective when West arrives at the house. I suggest we have some get-to-know-each-other tea while we wait on Ollie to wake from his morning nap, and Leed pelts West with questions to which I'm sure he already knows the answers. I learn that West grew up in Arizona, did a couple of years of college before joining the army, completed three tours, is highly decoratedThis is his third assignment supervising a security detail. His other two principals were actually famous in their own right, one pop star and one actress...both moved out of the country. He didn't want to relocate to London or Tuscany, which is why he moved on from supervising their details.

All of Leed's questions sound normal, but the problem is, he never looks at West once the whole time we are talking. He's watching my face intently—to the point that it's becoming rude, the way he doesn't make eye contact with West. Finally, when he asks West very casually if he's ever run into me before—like in a club or whatever—I realize what he's doing.

West sits down his cup and looks between us. "Uhhm, not that I recall. Why? Do you know me?" he looks at me quizzically.

"No, excuse us a minute, I need more honey off the shelf," I say, grabbing Leed by the arm and hauling him into the butler's pantry.

"Oh my god, Leed," I hiss. "Really?"

Leed rakes a hand through his hair, braces hands behind him against a shelf and looks at me with amused green eyes. "What?"

"You know what. You can' this."

"I can, and I will. If you won't tell me who hurt you, then I have to look at every dude with a W initial as a credible suspect. I don't think this guy is really the guy, considering his work history would hardly allow him the free time, but still...I have to make sure."

"And you think you can make sure by gauging my reaction to him?"

"Yes," he says smugly. "West isn't the guy. Is he?" He leans in like he's an Inquisitioner. "You swore to tell me."

I narrow my eyes at him, ready to tell him off. I want to argue that I swore to tell him if my ex-dom "invaded" my life—which to me implied some threat of force against me. I do not feel like I swore to answer in the positive or negative to Leed's every query about men with the initial W. Moreover, I want to remind him that I'm not a fresh-faced innocent, that I made not quite a few men think I was wildly attracted to them and none were ever the wiser to the truth that they disgusted me. I want to explain that it's only because I love Leed and trust him, that I'm open and (mostly) transparent with him.

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