Chapter 5: Front Men Creep, Sometimes

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The song for this chapter guessed it...Creep by Radiohead. Absolutely perfect for Leed's "funk" in this chapter....

Kat and Ash's place looks a little like this, I imagine:

Let's see how the Lion is living with his decision to back off from pursuing Ashlynn

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Let's see how the Lion is living with his decision to back off from pursuing Ashlynn....


I kickover from this unchallenging and annoying bridge pose onto my feet. I immediately fold back down into a handstand. After that, I do a few slow rolling cartwheels, finishing by the wall of glass in my yoga studio, staring out at the empty, placid pool in my backyard.

I can see Ravi's reflection. He's sitting in Lotus, watching me with curiosity.

"Why won't you hold the bridge pose as I asked you?" he says mildly.

"Because it's irritating."

He laughs. "That is the point, Leed. It's irritating because your heart chakra is blocked. Bridge pose is necessary to create the flow you need for the next step in your growth."

I glare at his reflection, but I keep my body pointed toward the perfect, still landscape of my backyard. "Sometimes I think you're full of shit, Ravi. Like a goddamn tarot reader or something. You turn the things I tell you against me."

"Hmmmmmmmm," Ravi says placidly. "Suspicion is also a symptom of heart chakra imbalance."

My laughter is barky. I can never win with this guy. I guess it's why I like him.

"Are you returning to bridge pose?" he asks again.

I sigh heavily. "Naw, man. I guess I'm done for the day. Just not feelin' it."

"No, you are not," he smiles and rises gracefully. "Speaking of your is my future student, anyway? I hear from Gabe that she is ready for his advanced group. With his help, she will be ready to apprentice with me in the New Year."

Did I say I like this guy? I hate this guy.

"She's good, I guess. I haven't talked to her in a few days." Not since Tam's wedding. But apparently she's been doing a lot of yoga this week. With the guy she was dancing with at Tam's wedding. The guys who runs the yoga studio with whom Ravi asked her to advance her skills a little more , before they begin a one-on-one apprenticeship. "Why do you like Gabe anyway? He does not seem like your type of master student. He's so...whitebread."

Ravi makes a mild sound as he rolls his mat. "A few tribal tattoos, a unique voice, long hair and a fan following that requires you to practice in private makes you a better student of yoga than Gabe?"

I say nothing.

"Gabe is one of the best students I have taught in many years. He has the heart of a true Yogi. He is a light-worker. You would like him," Ravi smiles.

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