Chapter 77: Hippie Chics Wait

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Guess what? This is not the last chapter. At least one more. Probably two because  I want you to "see" the things that I have "seen"...

Speaking of things I've seen, here's a picture of what I think Ollie looks like:

Speaking of things I've seen, here's a picture of what I think Ollie looks like:

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When I wake for the second morning in my childhood bed, it's bittersweet. The purple comforter and large fuzzy pillows are familiar, but not nearly the comfort I crave.

Leed didn't show yesterday. He sent me several texts checking in, but for the second night in a row he stayed at Bodie's house. I miss him, and I'm starting to worry that maybe he's a little more angry than I realized. He hasn't been this distant in years—not since we were at odds over Viggo Von Schlater.

But despite my worry I smile, because I am not alone in this bed. Even though I'm missing Leed's arms, a part of Leed is with me.

I roll onto my back and put my hands on my lower belly, closing my eyes, going internal.

Good morning, Little Mango. It's a beautiful day, and I promise that I will spend it in joy, so you can feel that, too. Have to tell you though, I already made my very first mistake as your Mommy. I upset your Daddy by not telling him about you right away. But don't worry. I know he will forgive me, because he's pretty special and he loves really big. He's going to love you so much. It's going to be a very long thirty weeks for him until he gets to meet you, I think. For me, too. I can't wait to hold you in my arms. But for now, this is as much of a hug as I can give you.

I pat gently. "Let's go do some yoga, okay?" I say brightly as I throw the covers back.

My dad knocks and cracks the door. "Kat in there with you?"

"No, she stayed at the bandhouse. You can come in, though."

He opens the door and looks around. "Who were you talking to?"

I blush. "Uhhm, the baby. I know he can't actually hear yet. Is that weird?"

My handsome father, from whom I get my blonde, blue-eyed looks, grins and shakes his head. "No, not at all. It's a good habit." He looks at my mid-section. "You'll be a wonderful mom, Sweetheart. Not that you aren't already a mother, I suppose..."

I swipe my phone and show him my cover photo of Leed and three year old Ollie, getting his first guitar lesson from his dad. "Yeah, I love that little stinker. I do feel like Ollie's step-mom. I've been in his life since the day he was born. I didn't know if you saw it like that, though. You know, because Leed and I aren't married."

"Not yet," my father smiles serenely.

I bite my lip. "Dad, that's probably not going to happen, you know." I gesture around my affluent bedroom. "He didn't grow up like this. He doesn't feel a need to...follow convention. I'm pretty sure he thinks the act of getting married is a meaningless exercise. But I know he loves me, and he's asked me several times to move in with him. I'm sure that will happen, before the baby is born."

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