Chapter 21 Front Men Know One Word --Radio Edit

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Okay, most readers will know the deal here. This is the radio edit of a sex scene chapter. If you want the full, uncensored version, you have to go to my page, open the work Soundcrush Explicit and find the corresponding chapter!Please don't forget to vote for both! Thanks! Happy reading!!!!

We drop back into this chapter with Leed's perspective, just after Ashlynn told him he should probably get naked...


"Woman, you don't have to tell me twice." I push down my shorts and she does look then. Her chest heats, and her face, but she doesn't look away. She has the same look in her eye as in the picture she sent me. She takes all of me in and silently pats the bed on the floor. I move slowly toward her and stretch out, face down. She makes a murmuring laugh.

"The back view is almost as nice as the front," she says softly, and I feel the barest trace of her fingers skim my ass.

Then her touch is gone again. I lay my head on crossed arms and watch her continue mixing in the bowl with a wooden spoon. The way she stirs so methodically is like a ritual. She puts the bowl down. She lights some incense. I'm hyper-focused on her every move; the way she purses her lips to blow out the flame, the way she closes her eyes and the way her face relaxes as she inhales the smoke. She arranges the incense in its holder and dips her fingers in the oil, rubbing her hands and breathing the scents in. She tilts her head back and rubs the oil down her neck and chest, sighs and smiles at me.

She exudes sensuality and grace and softness. Watching her, I feel like my whole life has come to this point—to be with her, to learn from her gentle ways, to protect her. I can't for the life of me understand why this angel who clearly enjoys so much sensation thinks she's bad at sex.

She takes her rings off and dips her whole hands in the oil, coating them generously. Then she surprises the hell out of me by rising gracefully, stepping over me, and lowering down on her knees, straddling me, using my ass as a seat.

"Ah, I can see why you think you're bad at sex. You're just a little bit backwards, baby. Here, just let me turn over and it's pretty much instant orgasm for you, on top like that," I pretend to twist underneath her, but she puts her hands on my back and pushes me down with a snort.

"Stop teasing me," she says in a voice that sounds like she wants me to do anything but.

I reach down with my hands and pat the sides of her thighs. "I'm sorry baby, but teasing you is all I've been able to think about since you sent me that picture."

"Yeah? And how would you do that?" she asks.

Fuck me, this is going to be even hotter than I realized. Her touch is already driving me wild. Her hands are working my lower back, kneeding the muscles there that are sore from acroyoga, like she already knows just where I need her touch the most. But now she wants to talk sexy, too?

Her strong fingers are spreading up my back, working the muscles underneath my shoulderblades. She uses her weight, making the pressure almost painful. God, it feels so fucking good. I groan in approval. It's hard to fucking believe we're here in this moment. I've waited a long damn time to get this close to her and it takes every ounce of self control I have to lay still and let her work on me, because what I really want to do is get her naked and on her back and kiss and lick my way down to that Pearly Gate and show her she's got nothing to worry about between us. I'm fighting the urge flip around and pull her to me.

She feels my tension. She pauses, and then I feel the drip of warm oil being poured on my upper spine. She spreads it in circles over my shoulders. "Relax, Lion. You want me to relax when its my turn, right? So show me how. Tell me."

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