Chapter 73: Front Men Hit The Road But Always Come Home

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And we're back, beginning Ash and Leed's LONG CLIMB toward the end of their story. Not long in chapters really...just long in time-lapse. Pretty much all of the remaining chapters of this book will have time gaps....let's check in with Leed as he wraps up the Double Impact Tour and reflects on his summer...

Leed, Four and Half Months Later

Matt collars me in the now familiar way as we belt out our last line of the last show of the Double Impact Tour. Although, last is a relative term. We've been saying last show for six weeks now, and the promoters keep asking us to extend, and the bands keep voting to rock on.

Once you conjure magic, it's hard to wrestle it back into the hat.

Matt's grinning at me, giving me the nod to close it out as he releases me and steps away. I'm surprised. He usually has the last word. My throat suddenly feels...thick as I yell, "Thank you, Austin Texas!"

Him stepping away from the mic feels like he really means it this time—about it being the last show. He's been the one most eager to get back to routine, because Lane has started kindergarten and he's missing out on a lot of firsts at home right now. So far, our new label president and Trace have been talking him into keeping it going, but looking in his eyes, I can tell he's done. This is the last date.

And the way he's gripping my shoulder hard as he steps decidedly out of our spotlight—it feels like it means something more. It feels...big. Like he's giving me something he might not take back again.

It doesn't feel right. The man's nowhere near done. I take a giant step backwards, and the lights follow me. I sling an arm over his shoulders, returning the rough shake and giving him the chin tip and then the head bow of much love and respect. "Thank you Skid Marcs, it's been a great ride! Let's do it again next summer!"

The crowd takes up a chant.

Skid Marcs, Skid Marcs, Skid Marcs...

Matt laughs. "There's something for going on out on top, and I'm not sure it gets better than this...but we'll see! Thank you, Austin!"

I get it now. The shit Kat always gives me about leaving her Leed-stained with post show hugs. Because after the man-hug, Matt gives me, I'm pretty sure I'm wearing more of his sweat than he is.

Trace gets the rest. He swings off his guitar and embraces his dad like they just won a war.

Well, it has sort of been a battlefied. I thought Soundcrush's first tour was Official Insanity, but Skid Marcs can rockstar us under the table any given night of the week. Bar fights, stage diving, reckless dares (uh, think Houdini in the hotel pool) these cats are unafraid to free in their inner Jackass.

Then there's been the usual drama.

Skid Marcs guitarist is going through a divorce and his soon-to-be-ex has been dropping by hotels with a very ugly attitude.

Bodie missed shows twice on short notice because there were some problems with Marley's kid back in the A, and apparently, where Marley needs to be, Bodie will follow. Which didn't sit well with Arabella, but she only made mini waves compared to Mrs. Jax.

In other news, Row has been making frequent visits out to the shows. Matt caught wind that Riley and Row are having trouble with the idea that no fraternization in the workplace means you don't still sleep together whenever you feel like it. One night about a month ago, Matt strong-armed me to help him deliver a little lecture. "I need a wing-man to make sure I don't beat the living shit out of Riley, and I damn sure can't take Trace, because this shit with Ross and Gina has him unsteady as fuck. I can't take one of my pals, either. They don't need to know your manager can't seem to stay out of my daughter's VIP."

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