Chapter 78: Hippie Chics Receive Their Kings

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Please note the song in the header as it's quoted entirely in the chapter during Leed's performance...but maybe you want to listen to it when you get to the song lyrics. Otherwise, it's kind of a spoiler....


I'm shaking as Leed backs away from me.He keeps his eyes on me, purses his lips in a kiss and then whirls to the side, gripping a guy in a hoodie holding a Fresca.

He pulls the hood away and forces his face into Bodie's, grinning as he grips the back of Bodie's head and speaking fast. I wonder very much what he's saying, but they deserve a moment of privacy.

And I can't help thinking unlike whatever Leed is saying to Bodie, what he wants to say to me, he's about to make very, very public.

I think about the picture of our baby tucked into the pouch lying over his heart.

"Oh, god," I whisper. "What is he doing?"

"What a Lion does. Claiming his territory," Kat whispers excitedly. "Come on, we have to run away a little bit. More fun for him if he has to stalk you."

My heart is beating wildly. "He shouldn't do...whatever...he's publicly. This isn't a game. "

Row puts an arm around my waste. "Fuck that. You're in love with a Front Man. Every Frontman is a hopeless romantic, because every song is about love. And love is the best game. The only game that matters. Get your ass on the golf cart and get out front so your man can make his play."

Leed cuts his eyes to me and raises his traditional pre-show shot. I can see what he loudly tells the band. "To new life."

"New life," they all murmur and knock it back. Chili and Adam cast off their shot glasses and stride out to the stage. Call-outs and whistles erupt as Adam gives a casual, "Hey neighbors. Sup?" while Chile beats out a count.

Leed gives me the chin tip. My face is smiling but I can hardly feel it.

As Kat and Row pull me away, Leed turns toward the stage, rolling his neck, waiting as Trace slings an arm over Mac's shoulders and they hit the spotlight. The crowd cheers in earnest as Trace waives.

We're driving up to the VIP in the golf cart now, but I'm watching the stage, waiting for Leed. It surprises me when Trace steps up to the mic.

"I might piss my front man off, but this is my hood and New Year's is kind of gig. So I gotta steal his thunder for a minute. Can I get a light? Thanks man," he says as the spotlights focus soley on him. He shades his eyes and scans the crowd. "Hey I know you," he points at somebody. "Sorry I stole your Ipod back in seventh grade, man. Really I just borrowed it, but then I broke it. See me after, I'll make it right. Since I'm walking down memory Deacon Johnson here? I wrote a song about know what that shit is about, right?"

"Oh fuck!" Kat hisses, stopping the cart and jumping out scanning the crowd for Deacon.

"Here!" somebody yells down near the front. A bunch of what looks like rowdy frat boys yell and raise their hands over him, pointing down at him.

The guy who's been singled out yells in a slurry voice. "Yeah I know what it's about! I kissed Kat Ballard! Stole her first kiss right out from under you, loser!"

"Fucker..." Kat growls. Suddenly I'm laughing and I don't feel so freaked out anymore. It's pretty funny that Kat's getting called out for her first stolen kiss. I wonder if our parents knew she was messing around with Deacon since seventh grade.

"Loser, huh?" Trace laughs his pissed off laugh.

"Oh god, baby, do not jump off that stage and start some shit..." Kat pleads under her breath.

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