Chapter 19: Hippie Chics Get Naked

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I know it's been a few days since we had a chapter, but stick with me, we'll get back to more regular updates soon! Let's check in with Ashlynn and see how she's coping with the realization that she's dating The Sexiest Man Alive...can she match him in the bedroom?


It's been the weirdest day of my life, and it's only nine am.

I guess Leed's sexy voice singing me to sleep last night did something to my subconscious, because I woke this morning in a sweat.

Not a cold sweat.

A hot, sticky, sheets-tangled, hair-matted-my-neck sweat.

Because of the dream I was having about Leed, doing things to me that I've never really enjoyed before.

But boy did I like it in the dream.

Before I could even get out of bed, Kat was quietly knocking on the door. "Hey, okay?"

"Fine!" I call brightly. Oh god, I must have been moaning in my sleep or something. I put a pillow over my face and groan.

Kat hears it. She's giggling outside the door. "Okay, I'll leave you to your...morning practice..."

Oh.My.God! She thinks I' know.

I leap from the bed and jerk open the bedroom door. "You don't get to tease me like that! I'm the big sister, remember?"

Kat has her toothbrush in hand, smirking at me, making a show of looking over my shoulder trying to get a view in the room.

"What are you doing?"

She rolls her eyes and pushes past me, jerking open the closet door, checking inside. "Huh. He's really not here?"


She rolls her eyes at me.

"No, of course he's not here!" I hiss.

"Well, you were calling out 'Leed, Leed,' so I just assumed," she says tersely, thrusting her toothbrush back in her mouth and sauntering out the door, her hips swaying in satisfaction. I have the urge to kick her in the butt and trip her. I would, too...except that would be very dangerous with a toothbrush in her mouth, so sisterly violence is out of the question until she's finished brushing her teeth.

Instead, I follow her to the large bathroom that we share—thank god it has double sinks and plenty of counter space—and pull my hair back to wash my face. I glare at her in the mirror. "You did not hear me saying his name."

She grins. "I so did." She spits in her sink and slides on the counter next to me.

"Oh god," I bend over, splashing copious amounts of water on my burning face.

"It's okay. I won't tell Trace, I swear. I love that boy, but it's not like he has to know everything. You can tell me. Were you guys having phone sex? Did you Facetime or each other through it?"

I snatch the hand towel off the wall and beat her shoulder with it. "Trace is right. What the hell is wrong with you?"

She shrugs. "I'm just on the side of romance. And hot sex. Tell me."

I pat my face with the towel, but really I'm just hiding it. I sigh and pull the towel away from my face, staring at my sister, who looks so much like me, except for the supremely sinful look she almost always wears. "Okay, but if I tell you, it's a sister pact. You can't tell Trace...yet."

She squeals and jumps of the counter, jumping up and down as she hugs me. "Oh my god, I knew it! You guys are doing it, aren't you?"

"No, I mean...we aren't...I guess I must have been dreaming about him this morning, because..." I twist my fingers and bite my lip, "yesterday...Leed...he asked me to be his girlfriend."

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