Chapter 50: Hippie Chics Need A Fix

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A chapter in which some things are revealed and perhaps more questions are raised. 

Song--Smells Like Teen Spirit--not just because it's mentioned in the chapter, but also because the energy mirrors Ashlynn in this chapter...there's both rage and emptiness, desperation and determination...


You can do this, Ashlynn. You can do this. It's no different than anytime before. He will not a make a scene in public.

Somehow I manage to kick my booted legs out of the car and take Leed's hand. Somehow I manage to only focus on Leed as we pass the barricaded paparazzi and the cordon of security personnel. An event coordinator greets Leed and diverts us, and I see that there are two flows of party-goers entering the event—the celebrities who are being directed to the media wall for photographs, and the behind-the-scenes industry types, who are bypassing the press and moving straight into the event...but slowly, because many are stopping to mingle with the celebrities.

Flashing cameras and shouts puncture the air around us, but I'm barely aware. I have to focus on not hesitating as I move past one particular person.

He makes eye contact with me. His expression never changes, and my step never falters.

I turn from his dark to Leed's light.

I smile up at Leed as he squeezes my hand. He rolls his head ever so slightly, just like I've seen him do as he steps up to a mic in the booth. Then the Lion strolls up to the media wall, nodding hello, striking that perfect pitch between god-like sexiness and approachable friendliness that is so very Leed. He turns toward me, introducing me as his date, confirming the spelling of my name that some press assistant shouts out, confirming that, yes indeed, I am the Instafamous Kat Ballard's sister.

Leed's public persona changes the tide of my emotions, and I smile, too. I flow with him into the world where everything is beautiful and perfect.

At some point along the media wall, the still shots cease and the tapings start. Leed is pulled into an on-camera interview with Sabrina Mills, a minor personality who has been in some tv shows and who also does a local LA industry show. She's more polished than me, blonder than me, prettier than me, but she's only one of dozens like that here. Leed beams and gives her the LA half-hug as the camera rolls. He confirms that Madam and their daughter are amazing, raves about fatherhood, teases a few details about Soundcrush's upcoming Grammy performance and confirms that Soundcrush will be back in the studio in the fall.

Sabrina turns to me. "And of course we all have seen you with Ashlynn Ballard recently on the streets of LA and Nashville. Ashlynn, since Leed is dropping hints about upcoming events, any spoilers you would like to share with us?" Her smile is beautiful but her eyes are...sparky, and not in a good way. I feel Leed's hand twitch in mine.

"No, nothing big in the works. I'm just looking forward to the party tonight. I'm hoping I can get Leed to do a Nirvana tribute," I joke, gesturing to Leed's T-shirt. The interviewer laughs and explains for the camera that the party theme is "Step Inside Your Favorite Video." Dozens of sets from the production company's most iconic videos have been staged in the large hanger housing the event, and guests will have the opportunity to explore them, use the props and even re-inact the videos.

"I'm not sure about channeling Cobain right now," Leed tells the interviewer, raking through his short hair. "I don't have the hair to do any decent head-banging."

"Oh come on," she punches Leed lightly in the arm. "You don't need long hair. Your performance is always...incredible. Wouldn't you agree Ashlynn?"

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