Chapter 48: Front Men Feel Home

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Double Update, because I really intended this to be part of the last chapter but it got too long. This is the flip side of Leed's day-- coming home after the tension of the Colossus meeting

I hope you'll check out the song - Anderson East's "House Is A Building." It's one of my favorite songs and I debated using it for the recent Trace POV chapter, but I felt like, ultimately, this is a Lash song. I love Anderson East's voice...he has one of those rich, rough voices like I imagine Leed might have at some times .(Like when his throat is a little tired, or he's smoked out, lol. Most of the time I imagine his voice a little smoother.) 


Coming home has never felt like this.

When I walk in the door, it's a full sensory assault. I smell marinara, cheese and basil wafting warm through the air. I hear the soulful strains of modern roots music playing softly, and Ashlynn singing along. As I hang my keys in the mudroom, I note she found her gift after all, and I snatch it up and put it in my pocket, rubbing my thumb over the new item that I hope will find a frequent home here. Then I round the corner and see my girl standing in my kitchen. She's turned away and I'm glad, because it gives me a longer moment to enjoy the sight.

Her blond hair falls in ripples down her back, and her pink sweater is long—I can only see the frayed edges of her short shorts beneath it. Slanting sun from the windows stripes her bare legs and feet as she pads softly around the walnut floor, dancing with my son. Ollie sees me. I put my finger to my lips—not because I want to sneak up on her but just because I want to watch this amazing scene for as long as I can. Ollie's still learning the cool cat signals, so he doesn't play along. He squeals at the sight of me.

Which is gratifying. And so is Ashlynn's smile as she swings around, lifting Ollie slightly.

"There's Daddy! We missed him today, didn't we?" Ollie pats her head, grabbing a fistful of her hair and she laughs, despite the fact that he's tugging pretty hard.

"Hey now, get your own woman to drag around by the hair, Little Man. This one's mine," I tell him, as I reach my hands out to him. He automatically lunges for me, in the process releasing her hair. I pelt him with exaggerated kisses and hold him to the side, out of reach of golden locks as I pull her to me in a one-armed embrace.

"Where are my kisses?" she teases me.

"Here," I kiss the top of her head. "And here." Her temple. "And here." Her cheek. "And the best for last," I lose myself in the taste of her lips. God, she's so sweet. Like a vanilla dessert warmed by the sun. I dance with her and Ollie while I kiss her, until Ollie loses patience with being ignored. His squeals turn to whines.

"We know you're here, Ollie." I meet his eyes and he immediately quiets. "Hey, how about you check out your toys? Cool? Cool."  I give Ashlynn one last smooch before I plop Ollie into his bouncer seat on the kitchen table and attach the toy bar. He's already learned that kicking makes lights and music, so he goes to town, swinging his legs and bringing his heels down heavily. I spend a couple of minutes naming the colors that light up the toy bar, and when he starts to bat at the toys, I ease away.

"Something smells delicious," I peak in the oven. "Italian?"

"Yep. Eggplant lasagna." Ashlynn is chopping vegetables for a salad.

"Daaaaaaaamnnnn." I swing to the island and move behind her, quickly braiding her hair so Ollie won't grab another fistful in a few minutes. While she chops, I molest her a little bit, feeling her booty and her belly and running lightly down the seam of her thighs, but she likes it. She giggles as I ask, "How was your day, Sunshine?"

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