Chapter 68: Hippie Chics Are Braver Than They Thought

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I bet you guys thought you'd be waiting days, but I worked hard today! Here's the aftermath:


I stand rooted in shock. It's chaos. Mac is traumatized. Dev is shot. I caused this.

I caused this.

"Jesus Christ, Dev, lay the fuck down," Matt spits, grabbing Dev's shoulders and lowering him gently. He rips open Dev's shirt and presses his balled up Armani jacket to Dev's wound. "Somebody call..."

"On it," Trace snaps. He's already dialing 911.

I grab his arm. "Where's Kat?"

"With Ben. He's getting her the hell home. Tam, Marianne, too. No way are they going to a part of what happens now," he says tersely and then he's speaking into his phone "We need an ambulance. There's been a shooting at this location. Yes, he's conscious. One. To the gut. Yes, that's right address..."

Varrick and the guards have already hauled Viggo back into the living room. Leed is trying to pull Mac outside, but now that she realizes her friend is shot, she's not having it. She's dropped to her knees beside him, crying and holding his hand, telling him over and over she's sorry. Leed is right with her, leaning over her, unable to leave her side.

He looks at me and his anger is a very evident thing, but he holds out a hand to me.

"Come here, please."

I go to him and despite his anger, he gently envelops me with one arm, holding me softly but completely against him. His embrace is not fierce like Trace's. It's the shelter like he gives me as we fall asleep in bed—his warmth, his strength, his comfort.

But it's all too brief. After a moment of softness, he pushes me gently away by the shoulder. His eyes rake down my robe again. Then he touches my cheek and I jerk away, surprised at the pain. I forgot all about the backhanded blow Viggo gave me. I put my own hand up to my cheekbone, feeling the swelling, wondering if the bruising is already beginning.

I look into Leed's eyes and then down at my robe, finally understanding the black rage.

"I'm okay," I promise him. "Nothing happened."

"I can see that's a lie," he growls, gesturing at my cheek. "Shit happened. You shouldn't be here either, in the aftermath."

He grips my hand and looks toward the door. Then he growls and rips his head around, craning to see into the living room where Varrick has Viggo on the floor. He bows his head, staring at Mac's bright crown below him. He's shaking with rage. I've never seen Leed so at odds with himself. His normal grace and surety is completely gone. He looks like a drug addict in withdrawal—jerking,miserable in his body.

He is torn into pieces. He wants to be at Mac's side and she won't leave Dev. He wants to take me away from here. He wants to walk into that living room and kill Viggo with his bare hands.

Not knowing what else to do, I wrap my arms around Leed's torso. His hand goes to my back and I can tell he's trying hard to find his balance. We just stand there stupidly, watching Dev bleeding, Mac crying, Trace pacing, and Matt cursing calmly at Dev, keeping him alive by force of will it seems.

Dev's shaking violently now and trying to speak to Mac.

"It's alright..." he touches her cheek with a bloody hand. "Gunned down...with a Grammy hand...I'll live forever...rap legend..." He turns to Matt. "I think...I...I love your daughter...don't tell her...never said it...too hard on her now...tell my mother, though." He coughs and groans. "And tell... my father...I'm sorry...I know...he...tried...I know...I didn't...I'm...sorry..."

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