Chapter Five

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Lila and Cara plopped down at my and my mom's round table. Lila set the suitcase on top, and Tris and I heard two click! sounds as she opened it. She took out a pair of black glasses and put them on. Then she and Cara pulled out pieces of paper and sorted them.

"Please," Lila said, motioning to me and Tris. "Have a seat. We do not bite."

Tris and I slowly walked to the table and sat in the chairs. Mom and Mr. Bacon followed our lead and stood behind us.

"What is this all about?" Mom asked the lawyers. "You had better not be scammers."

Ah. My mother. Always assuming that each stranger whom she encounters is a scammer.

Cara let out a giggle. "Oh my goodness. No. Like Lila told you, we are actual lawyers. We were notified by the courthouse that our services were needed, which is why we are here." She picked up a piece of paper and laid it down between me and Tris. "They sent us this will, and as you can see, this is the will that Kara made out. The same Kara whom your daughters were close with."

Tris, our parents, and I tried to read the will, but the wording was much too small.

"Should I read it to you?" Lila offered. "Kara was apparently known for her small handwriting."

"Yes. Please," Mom replied.

Lila picked it up and held it up to her face. She adjusted her glasses and read.

"'To Whom It May Concern,

I made out this will so that whatever I owned will be given to people whom I trust. These people mentioned in this will are ones who had changed my life for the better. I always thought that this world was cruel and filled with nothing but evil, but thankfully, I was wrong. I have left many prized possessions at my house, the place where I took...myself. Do not feel bad for me. It was for the best. Anyway, the possessions are the following: two heart necklaces, a black stone, my collection of dolls, books, a black box, and baby items.'"

"Baby items?" Tris and I said in unison once again.

"I am just reading what she wrote. Now, back to the will."

"'I leave everything that I listed on here to the only two people who I held near and dear.'"

If you held us near and dear, why did you leave us?

"'Wendy Thompson and Tris Bacon, these things are yours now. Take good care of them like I took care of you.

As she read the last sentence, tears formed in my eyes. I missed Kara. I really did. She treated me fairly, and I was going to make sure that her stuff would be looked after.

"So wait. She left her belongings to both me and Wendy?" Tris questioned.

"Just the belongings that were mentioned in the will, but yes," Cara confirmed. "You two will have to share the stuff. Or split them up. Whatever you think is best."

"Well, Kara put my name on the will first," I said. "So it proves that she was closer to me than she was with Tris."

"I was her favorite! Have you heard that people save the best for last?"

"Girls, cool it," Mr. Bacon called us out. "She did it that way because the two of you changed her perspective on life."

"Well, until know," Lila reminded us.

"Kara really wanted both of you to have her valuables," Mom explained. "I bet that she never desired any fighting from this. So you two will share them and take care of them. Got it?"

I hate when my mother is disappointed in me and put my head in my hands. "Sorry, Mom."

"Yeah, sorry," Tris said sadly. "It is just that...she meant a lot to us."

Mr. Bacon patted the top of his daughter's head. "We know that she did. We understand how frustrating it can be too. But arguing and fighting are never the answers. They just make situations worse."

Mom glared at the lawyers. "Is that why they should visit Kara's house? To retrieve the belongings?"

"Yep," Cara replied. "However, we do have one of the items on us. The courthouse gave it to us."

Lila reached into her suitcase and pulled out a black box. She carefully placed it on the table and between me and Tris.

"What is in that box?" Tris asked, pointing to it.

"It is the box that is mentioned in Kara's will," Lila stated. "My assistant and I do not know what is in it. We are not allowed to open it. But due to the statement of the will, you girls do. It is yours now. Therefore, you are the only ones who can."

I placed a hand on top of the box. "Do we have to open it now?"

"If you want. You can always wait until later. Though, I am curious as to what is hidden away."

Tris and I turned to our single parents, wanting to know their thoughts, and they answered as if they could read our minds.

"Go ahead, girls," Mr. Bacon encouraged us. "Open it."

"You girls do not have to do it now," Mom said. "Do it whenever you would like. After all, it belongs to you."

Tris and I glanced at each other and frowned.

"I want to open it now," I said. "What about you?"

"Now does not seem like a bad time," she said. "Besides, we are bound to know sooner or later."

We took deep breaths and put our hands on the box, her hand on one side and mine on the other. We slowly lifted the lid and peered inside. We could not see anything, so we yanked the lid all the way off. We squinted and saw something. It was blue, pink, and white.

It was a...compass.

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