Chapter Forty-Four

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Sharp cries uttering from Triso and Wendow rang throughout the room as the skins were ripped away from their bodies. Their long hair. Their jumpsuits. Their shoes. Stripped away from them and floated to the floor.

Our classmates must have paid full attention to what had occurred because all of their eyes had widened and were staring straight at the two skins that were now lying lifeless on the floor.

Tris and I were staring as well. Despite the skins being disturbing, neither us nor our classmates could look away. After all, it not every day that an alien overlord takes off people's own skins.

I expected the worse. So did Tris. Underneath the skin are the muscles, and under those are the bones. And under the bones are the...organs. Your brain processing. Your lungs taking in oxygen and taking out carbon dioxide. Your heart beating. Beating harder and harder. Faster and faster.

I felt beads of sweat on my forehead and gripped the middle of my shirt. Just as I guessed. My heart was pounding inside my chest. I was scared. No. Scared does not even begin to describe it.

This Pompus guy was indeed insane! Even though that he was the leader - if you can even call him that - he absolutely had no right in taking apart people, especially our new friends! What would it even prove? To not mess with him?

Would he pull off my and Tris' skins next?

"Triso! Wendow!" Tris screamed their names at the top of her lungs.

Pompus snapped his fingers, and alien guards, including 3-17 and C-Teen scurried into the room. They surrounded him, me, and Tris. They did not have any weapons on them, but they looked ready to pick a fight.

"Yes, Lord Pompus?" one of the guards said.

"What did you do to our friends?!" Tris screamed as loud as she could. It sounded like that her voice was going to give out shortly.

Pompus cradled Wendow and Triso in his palm and raised his other hand to his face. He put a finger over his lips and shushed everybody.

"Shh." He lowered his finger. "I have done it. Let me show you who Wendow and Triso really are." He set the back of his hand on the glass floor, and two white balls of light rolled off his palm and onto the ground.

"Wendow! Triso!" Tris and I said their names at the same time. We ran up to the balls of light.

"Are they okay?" I wondered.

"They had better be," Tris replied sternly.

The balls slowly transformed into thin lines. Human figures. The lights faded, and in place of them were Wendow and Triso.

Triso was lying on her side, and Wendow was on her back. Their eyes were closed, and they were not moving any muscles.

My first assumption was that they were...dead.

I gulped. "Are they...d-dead?"

"Goodness. No," Pompus reassured us. "I told you earlier that I would not kill them until Kara returns to me."

I narrowed my eyebrows and clenched my teeth. Hearing the name Kara come from his filthy mouth disgusted me.

"You are never going to see Kara again for as long as you live! You did this to her. You drove her to insanity."

Pompus shared with me and Tris his uninterested expression - before bursting out laughing. The guards seemed taken aback by his laughs and laughed with him awkwardly.

He soon stopped with his creepy laughter and commanded, "No more laughing!"

The guards immediately obeyed, and once again, there was silence. Though, it did not last long.

"Wendy and Tris, is it?" Pompus said creepily. "I have done so much research on you two...and I am quite fond of you."

"Oh, yeah? Why the crub is that?" Tris questioned him.

"Besides the fact that Kara's daughters are part of you, the two of you are...interesting humans. You are not like the other humans on your puny planet. Most of the humans...all real worlders...are greedy and easily offended and do not know what love is."

"Amen to that," I agreed with him for once.

"Wendy. Tris. You are not like them. Those poor excuses for beings. Instead, you tend to keep to yourselves and do not have any friends."

"With the exception of Kara and her daughters," Tris pointed out.

"Whatever! What I am getting at is that you are different. Special. And do you know what that means?"

I shook my head. "No. What?"

"Different and special are not welcome in this society." He snapped his fingers.

Wendow and Triso...were changing. Changing from aliens who resembled abnormal humans...

...into nothing but aliens. And as much as I did not want to admit it, they looked hideous!

I know, I know. That is not the correct word, is hard to explain when you readers cannot see them for yourselves.

Our aliens friends had transformed into goo. But wait. There is more!

Wendow was the pink goo. She had sharp teeth and sharp claws. Triso was the purple goo. She had hundreds of eyeballs all over her and eight tentacles that resembled those of an octopus.

"What...have you done to them?" I managed to choke out.

Pompus grinned. "This is what Wendow and Triso look like without human DNA. Go ahead. Judge them. Tell them that they are freaks."

"Never!" Tris refused. "They are still our friends!" She had been holding the hologram device and suddenly tossed it. "Yow!"

The small device clattered to the ground, the sound echoing throughout the place, and switched on. The hologram appeared.

It was the Kara hologram.

"Tris?" I said.

She massaged the middle of her palm with her thumb. "It burned a little, Wendy. It switched on by itself."

"Really? How can that be?"

"Pompus!" Hologram Kara cried. "Leave my children alone!"

Pompus chuckled. Chuckled darkly. "Finally! It is about time that you arrived...Kara."

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