Chapter Fifteen

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You would think that Tris and I would be in a bit of a panic, seeing that we were not fond of each other and did not desire for our parents to marry. If they did, that would make us stepsisters, and in no way did I want to be sisters with Tris.

Tris and I glanced at each other - and then we laughed. As you may have guessed, we did not believe Wendow's statement. We assumed that it was another one of Wendow and Triso's jokes, just like when they fooled us that they killed off my mom and Tris' dad. The only reason that we believed that at first was because of the real-life tongues that were in the jar. But when the aliens confessed that it was nothing but, according to them, a "harmless" joke, Tris and I were relieved - and furious.

"What are you laughing about?" Triso questioned.

Tris and I forced our laughs to die down and placed our hands on our waists. We glared at them.

"We are laughing at you two," Tris replied, referring to Wendow and Triso. "Did you actually think that you could knock us off our rockers again?"

"Rockers? You guys are not even on rockers!" Wendow pointed out. "Also what are rockers?"

"It is an expression. 'Knocking off your rocker' means to blow away or scare someone, like you did to me and Wendy."

I could tell by Triso's face that she was ashamed. "Really?" she said. "Oh, jeez. We apologize. Speaking of which—"

I quickly cut her off. "You have no clue as to what the word 'apologize' means. Do I have that about right?"

"Actually, I was going to ask what my sister and I should even be apologizing for."

Tris leaped off my bed, and I slowly walked up to the aliens. If looks could kill, then I would have surely killed them with mine.

"You 'joked' about murdering my mom and Tris' dad and stealing their tongues."

Wendow raised an eyebrow. "So?"

"So you do not joke about things like that! Why, you made us worried and freaked us out!"

Triso covered her eyes with her hands, and her legs quivered. "W-we were just doing what best friends do."

"That is not what friends do."

Wendow crossed her arms. "Well, sorry," she said sarcastically. "But it is not our fault that you humans play cruel jokes on one another. We are only trying to follow in your species' footsteps."

Tris had her hands clenched into fists and strolled up next to me. "Not all humans are fond of cruel jokes. It can break up friendships, and what you said about Wendy's mom and my dad is simply not true."

Wendow began tapping her fingers on both of her arms. "Are you talking about them getting married?"

"Heck, yes. They have been dating for only a few months. There is no way that they would be stupid and get married."

"Oh, yes! Yes, Tri!"

Tris and I jumped at the sudden outburst and were no longer focused on the aliens.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Tris.

"Yes. was your mother."

Triso uncovered her eyes. "W-we tried to tell you..."

Tris and I rushed out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I had never run so fast in my entire life up until that faithful moment.

When our feet hit the floor, we heard squeals. Squeals of delight, and they sounded like that they were coming from the kitchen. We dashed in there, and our mouths gaped in shock.

There were our parents. Hugging each other. I noticed something peculiar on my mother's finger and squinted at it. When I figured out what it was, I felt like fainting.

There was a ring, a diamond ring, on her finger. Why? It was not the one that Dad had given her way before I was born. In fact, she gave the ring back to him before he left us.

Then I realized the meaning behind the ring, and I could not help but let out a moan of despair. Tris did the same.

"This has to be a bad dream," I tried convincing myself. "This is all just a dream. The aliens are not real, and the people around me are part of my imagination. My silly imagination."

I decided to pinch myself to see if my theory was indeed true. I pinched my arm hard with my finger and thumb.


Okay. So maybe I was not dreaming.

Mom and Mr. Bacon pulled away from each other, ending their hug, and shifted their bodies.

"Girls," Tri said. "Thank goodness that you are here. Winnie and I have something to tell you."

My mom kissed Mr. Bacon's cheek and let out another squeal. "Tri just proposed to me. Do you know what that means?"

"You decided to break up and separate me and Wendy?" Tris guessed.

"You are going to wait to have a kid together until Tris and I graduate from school?" I said.

"Close, but no." Mom had on the biggest smile that I had ever seen. "We are getting married!"

"It will be a very small wedding," Tri explained. "Nothing fancy, and you girls will be there when we get our marriage license. Is this not exciting?"

Mom went up to me and gently poked my nose with a finger. "The best part is that you two will be sisters. Yay!"

"Stepsisters," I corrected her. "And Tri, why did you not consult with me and your daughter if we were okay with this?"

Before he could answer my question, there were loud poundings at the front door. Mom volunteered to answer it and soon returned with a man.

Not just any man. A police officer.

"Hello. I am an officer from the town next door," the officer said. "I am here to arrest Winnie Thompson and Tri Bacon."

At that point, Tris and I fainted.

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