Chapter Twenty-Four

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Would you believe that just by using their force field to protect us, Wendow and Triso received both immediate fame from our classmates and invitations from Sabrina? No? Well, you should because that is exactly what happened!

After the spaceship was gone, the alien girls shrunk their force field until it was nothing and announced to the students that they had saved them. That they were the ones responsible for putting up the force field.

You would think that the students from our school would not take them seriously, but they did. Not only that, they never made the connection that Wendow and Triso were actual aliens! Instead, they assumed that they were humans with powers.

I facepalmed as I thought about what the aliens on the spaceship said. About us humans.

They were right. If we kept this up, we would not last much longer.

Sabrina and the other students scooped up Triso and Wendow and marched off with them, chanting.

Wendy and I stayed behind. Stayed where we were. Watching. And boy, were we speechless.

Without saying a single word, Wendy and I looked in each other's directions, turned our bodies around, and walked away.

When we got home - I mean, to Wendy's house - the first thing that I did was call the school. Wendy's house has only one of those old phones. You know. The ones with their cords attached to the wall.

It was in the kitchen, and I picked it up and dialed the number. As I was doing so, Wendy came up to me and held out a cellphone. It was her cellphone.

"You can borrow mine," Wendy insisted. "That phone that you are using is so old that it probably does not work anymore."

I held the old phone up to my ear. "Thanks. But I will take my chances."

She let out a heavy sigh, spun around, and headed upstairs.

It was not before long that I realized something. Something strange. Did you readers notice it too?

If not, allow me to explain.

Wendy and I were not fond of each other. We made that crystal clear when we first met.
The tears immediately disappeared behind my eyes, and I went from being upset to feeling anger. "Wendy...was best friends with Kara?"

Wendy got up from the table. She frowned and clenched her hands into tight fists. "We were the best of friends. I stated that back in chapter one."

I jerked from her mother's grips and slowly walked up to her. "You cannot have been best friends with Kara. I was best friends with her."

"Tris - if that is your real name - you are mistaken. Kara and I were best friends. You want proof? She told me herself. I was her one and only."

"You are lying. 'Cause that is what she told me."

"Then how would I know that?"

"How would I know that?"
See, if that were the case, why would Wendy offer me her phone? I do not own a cellphone, but I never told her that!

And heck, why would I say thanks to her? We were not friends. We did not even get along! Remember when we set each other up? First, I set up Wendy by giving her worries about the black widow spider.
"So why are they a big deal? Besides the fact that you should not be eating spiders or any other bugs."

She slapped her palm against her forehead. "The female black widows are one of the most poisonous spiders in the world. Their poison can kill you if you do not receive treatment quick."

I wrapped my arms around me, giving myself a warm and reassuring hug. "See? This is exactly why I stay far away from real world things and stick with fictional."

As I stated that, a grin slowly spread across Tris' face. It was as if she were up to something totally not good, and she was. Remember that she did not like me, and I did not like her.

"I am not finished, Wendy. There is more."
And then, she set me up by making me trip.
I stepped out of the car, and before I came to terms as to what had happened, I was greeted with the road.


I laid on my stomach and supported myself using both my arms and elbows. I watched a pair of legs strolling up to me and standing in front of my face. I recognized the pants and knew that it was Wendy.

"Ha. Gotcha," she said.
I had been in such deep thought that I did not hear who was on the other end of the line.

"Hello?" the voice said. This time, it was loud enough to snap me out of it.

"Oh. Yes. Sorry," I apologized, feeling a little embarrassed. "I just wanted to let the school know that Wendy and Tris will not be attending school for the rest of the day."

"I am sorry to hear that. May I ask why?"

"They are a bit sick."

"Sick of school?"

"No, no. It is just that...lots of things occurred today. Things...that you might not believe."

"Hmm. Like...babysitting two excited aliens?"

I was surprised at this. "Uh, yes. But I would not say that we are babysitting them."

"And...a spaceship? An alien spaceship?"


"And two other aliens demanded you and some other humans to tell them where Z-233 and Z-234 are? And Z-233 and Z-234 ended up creating a force field?"

"Yes. And yes. How do you know all this? Were you there?"

"You can say that."

"Where were you? Who are you?"

" Pompus. I am the one who sent the spaceship in order to capture Wendow and Triso. And do not even think of hanging up. I will find them. And I will doom them. Like your friend Kara. That is why she did what she did."

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