Chapter Seven

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Lila, Cara, Tris, and I were standing in front of what was apparently Kara's house. From what Tris informed me, she had never been at her house. Neither had I, which begs another question why Kara had never invited either of us over to her home. Was she hiding something?

I hoped not. But boy, was I wrong.

Kara's house looked as if it had just been built. There were no cracks or scratches on it. From what we could see, the yellow roof was in perfect condition, and the porch that was all covered in red was stunning. It makes you wonder if Kara treated this house like her child.

"This is the house," Lila said. "Let us go in and explore."

She and Cara trotted up to the porch, and Tris and I were about to follow them when we were tackled. Tackled by two people.

We cried out and fell back, our backs hitting the pavement. I glared at the two girls who had tackled us.

"Hi!" one of them greeted.

"Yeah! Hi!" the other girl said.

The first girl got off of me. "I am Wendow, and that is my sister, Triso." She pointed at the girl who was still on top of Tris. "And we are aliens!"

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